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Welcome to the 57 2/16s place to keep tract of one of Marc Gunn’s Podcasts. Obliviously this time around it is the Renaissance Festival Podcast and it is Co-Hosted by Kristen Rogers who can also be Casper the friendly ghost, because she does tend to disappear for months at a time, but the show is always good, even if poor Marc is reduced to letting his cats pick on him when she is off, hummm wherever...
Now with any amount of luck what you will find here is shortly after the Podcast is posted, is a sample of the beginning of the Podcast were they usually, aa sometimes, aaa every once in awhile put in any news that they have and you will get a link to the whole Podcast plus the show notes on the bulletin board. I say hopefully because I kinda have a life and sometimes have other things to do, but I would say this should be kept going like this 95% of the time hopefully.
A quick note on how I got here, after finding his other MySpace sites, I shot Marc a email asking why there was no Renaissance Festival Podcast MySpace Page, fully expecting to get back something to the tune of, dude, you failed Internet Searching 101, here’s a link and instead basically got back that he needed someone else to do it, that he did not have the time to. That took me back a step and after I got over that I decided to take a stab at it, thinking that it could not be to much harder than the websites that I ran for a couple of Everquest Guilds/ organizations that I was apart of at one time {Note, if you do not know what that is, it is an on line gaming community and please do not think I am a hard core gamer, that was my first and except for a brief try at WoW, last try at on line games. I liked the experience, but it is far to time consuming for me to try again.} So I put this together and shot Marc a email to see what he thought of and evidently he thinks it is ok at least because he signed up as a friend hence I am plowing on to see this goes.
Here are a few links you will probably like, since you like this Podcast.
Marc Gunn, CAT LOVER, of Brobdingnagian Bards MySpace Page
Irish & Celtic Music Podcast MySpace Page
Brobdingnagian Bards MySpace Page
Note, you want to explore the official sites thoroughly, if there is a place on the net that he is not posting information in one way or another, it is not for lack of trying. You will also find tons information on stuff he is interested in, like how to Produce a legal PodCast and how to find legal free music {and no that does not mean how to get around the law, it is really free, usually in hopes that you like it so much that you will go back and buy the none free stuff. I would try and explain what it all is and where it is within his sites, but if I tried that I would make the actual book of “War and Piece†look like the cliff notes. It will be much easier and faster for you to just do some clicking.
The Irish and Celtic Music Podcast Official Site
The Renaissance Festival Music Podcast Official Site
The Brobdingnagian Bards {A Brobdingnagian Minute - Novelty Music Podcast} Podcast Official Site
The Pub Songs Podcast Official Site
Note2 some of these links go back to defunct PodCasts, left on I presume because you can still get what they produced, and of course you never know if they will start again.
Celtic Podcast Network
A last word, if you want to ask me questions, feel free to, but I have no direct contact with Marc or anyone else connected with these PodCasts and have no way to get any information that you can’t. If you have any questions I strongly advise contacting Marc or Kristen at [email protected] . If you ask me the odds are you will get an “I don’t know†back, but I will answer if I can.John B.