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One Should Always Seek Revenge
"Revenge is always the key to happiness." And The Story Begins

Adam Crimson would be his birthname;a name he would eventually disown once events caught up with him. He would grown to learn hate and revenge towards those who had crossed him and done him wrong. He believed that none sought justice for themselves and rather, let people hurt them and get away with it. Revenge would often question himself, why? Why would you let someone do something to you and not go back at them? Shouldn't you fight for what you believed in what was wrong or right? Why cower away when you knew all too easily, that you could seek revenge and do it swiftly, without ever being the one to be suspected. These thoughts, drove Adam Crimson, now Revenge to what he thought, his life was all about. Seeking revenge on those that had done him wrong. And no one could steer him away from this type of irrational thinking. He had and has his heart set out on getting back at those who cruelly made his life, a living hell. And so, Revenge now lives his day, seeking vengence for himself and those who have long passed. He has been the perfect idea of revenge, because he has yet to fail. So driven to bring justice, he finds the "victim" and swiftly takes action. Revenge does not befriend easily, but when he does consider yourself protected by him, because none shall ever hurt those who mean the world to him;or he'll carry out deeds that have his name written all over it. Revenge, will come across as harsh and bitter, but you cannot blame him, he's suffered many things in his past and finds it hard to have a positive outlook on life. Some, however, that he's crossed, have tried to change him of his ways and help him seek peace and forgiveness for acts committed against him. Their attempts have been mute. He has no interest in being polite to those who have done him wrong, none at all. So all attempts are useless.
Revenge is Sweet..

re·venge noun 1. to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, esp. in a resentful or vindictive spirit: He revenged his murdered brother. 2. to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for. 3. the act of revenging; retaliation for injuries or wrongs; vengeance. 4. something done in vengeance. 5. the desire to revenge; vindictiveness. 6. an opportunity to retaliate or gain satisfaction.
murderer noun
a criminal who commits homicide (who performs the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being)
I am a murderer
Crush the Killer!

My Blog

..The Blog...

I'm trying to gain some sense of normal nature. It's pretty damn hard when you can't breathe or think straight;don't, think of complaining, but as in..dealing with a huge blow.I've been encoura...
Posted by Revenge© on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:33:00 PST


..> I've just lost..the love of my life. He was my reason for living and breathing. He was and will forever heart. My whole entire being. I am his forever. And..even if we went through shitt...
Posted by Revenge© on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 09:45:00 PST

Do you know what it feels like? [New]

..> ..> Do you know what it feels like? To never be noticed by the one you love the most? To never be able to hold them close? Instead, you watch as they bask in their own love. While you wallo...
Posted by Revenge© on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:49:00 PST

What is this?

..> ..> Fingers run across his chest.   These same arms pull him close, while skin with my digits, do I caress. He smiles at me, with his lips in perfect form. At this I know, he is to...
Posted by Revenge© on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 08:40:00 PST


Rules Just like everyone else, I have rules. I expect everyone to follow them if you want to roleplay with me. They aren't that hard and I swear I'm not an ass, unless you do something that makes me b...
Posted by Revenge© on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:35:00 PST