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GHOSTS...some people simply call them night terrors. Others collaborate to conjour up explanations of conincidence and conveinence to filter them away against the dormant state of mind. The thoughts that linger within the recesses of our soul shadowing behind our very existence, these thoughts like fingers trembling over the panic button of adrenaline waiting against the fear of truth. We are taught never to second guess ourselves and disciplined to know that our first reaction is usually the correct one, yet we do question ourselves, our eyes, our senses, our raw emotion. When knowing is the only way of believing, how can you ever believe in something you don't truly understand or know anything of? We fashion ourselves to pretend and limit the observation of our surroundings closing our minds to possiblity and probability. It's said that even a trained person can conquer the amazon forests and still go without realizing 90% of the animal inhabitants. Still creatures are there. With only 3% of the world's ocean explored we should assume there's much more than meets the eye and with the axis of night and day, rest assure that it's not just for us. Nothing is ever just Black and White and the only thing more scary the being alone is discovering that you're not.
At the years sunset of 1984 I was no longer the skeptic I was before. As the dollar signs rained down upon my head in dramatic glee of a simi-reputable empire, i couldn't help but to notice the change. The paranormal winds shifting from breeze to a gust. Ray believed all along and in the end it took my sinister compassion for lust and companionship to backfire before i'd see days anew. It took the wrath of crimson skies, it took demi Gods in the form of terror hounds and an explosion of biblical proportions to convince me. Or maybe it only took Dana Barrett? I'm sure Winston could sympathize with me though i don't think it took him as much to be convinced. Now we all really what's out there...Ray Stanz, Egon Spangler, Winston Zedimore, and I Peter Venkman.
That's Right Boys and Girls...IT's Dr. Venkman! There are three critical things that one needs to know to begin to scatch the surface of understanding the Venkman! Rule # 1 I'm number 1. Secondly I'm with the largest paranormal company on the face of this planet so it's safe to say I'm the real deal. I have a mild weakness for the ladies especially reds and brunettes but i'm open for discussion. I exclude NO ONE! The more aggressive the better and i'm extremely intrigued by women that bark snarl and sleep above their covers. 4 FEET above her covers. Lastly I'm sensitive though i perpetuate the absolute decorum of what a man should be...I say please...let it be known that I am a bit of a cuddler. I've had my share of relationships, some good, some awkward, and some just the sheer definitive raw expectation of physcial attraction. Ok Ok...that last one can be somewhat debated but i'm not a quitter to make up for that! I'm a might refer to me as the go-to-guy of Ghostbusting. I've got the better of the 3 "C's" Carisma...Charm...and Character. With me it's win-win for any on all accounts.
Remember I've got signed degrees to do the things I do so respect the badge. I'm a bit excentric, sharp tongued and quick witted. That's just how I roll. Don't hesitate to get to know me because i'm always up to get to know new faces.

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A many thanks.

Certainly there's pleanty of individuals I should be thanking for otherwise this page and most of what you see would not be possible and they all deserve proper regards. I'm sure i'll be add...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 16:09:00 GMT

Insight to whom weve dealt with.

Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Traveller, Gozer the Destructor.From the rooftop of Ivo Shandors beautiful appartment building, a large doorway opens unto a strange and terrifying demension. From the t...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:53:00 GMT


    What is about photographs that tell us what we want to know and how often are these preconceptions successful in their assumptions? Human nature is to lable and catorgize what...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 12:23:00 GMT

3 PaGeS of pure coolness!!!

There are many of those that need recieve many thanks on my behalf. Especially to the ones that have remained through my Random anarchy and Odd behavior. I Peter Venkman would not be the man I am toda...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 14:32:00 GMT

Peter Venkman's Psychic Test!!! Check this site out if you want the test. I implore and dare any to give it a shot. Good luck! Dr. Venkman
Posted by on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 17:44:00 GMT