Im a dreamer in a dream world but im afraid to wakeup because reality could be worst than my nightmares. so i will dream until im ready to wakeup and face my fears. When that day comes i will be ready for what ever may come. Im just a weird person,thats what my friends say anyways because they cant describe me or put me in a group or category. Im just hybrid, im not goth, punk, ghetto whatever group there is im just me and thats it. I guess im also crazy but anyone can be crazy when your pushed to the edge. its hard to say someone is crazy unless you went through what that person has and came out sane. but for the most part im a person who builds his life on balance, its the most important thing to me and it makes up what i am and im proud of it.fu** myspace i need some IM friendsaol:testament341yahoo:enigma13ffmsn:testament341@hotm
ail.comgoogle:testament341ADD ME!!!
Heaven Tonight - HIM
Lyrics | I See Red lyrics