*southBeach diet (gotta hav a gr8 body)**my pc**MaLLs**fashion mags**watches**boxing**my buddies**my hair*
people who carry themselves veryvery well. i'd like that. :) (*hugs*)
*music of my USHer (damn, love him)*
*Simone**Sweet home Alabama**Clueless**Legally Blonde (1&2)**A Beautiful Mind**LOTR**Schindler's List**Breakfast at Tiffany's*
*look for less**oprah**unwrapped**one bad trip**pimp my ride**american idoL (go george huff :P)**fear factor**mtv partyzone*pwerpuff gurls*
*Daugther's of the MOOn**Tuesday's with Morrie**The Alchemist**The Valkyries*