My name is Bodo, born in france now residing in canada. Currently living in a little house in the mountains recording my second album ,"Le Singe". I've always been interested in the arts, mainly music. I've fronted three bands, "Lard bedaine" "Johnny Xmas ".and now BODO and you can now buy my current CD called "Pause" on the link below... And soon to come i will be posting a "single" from my upcoming CD entitled "Le Singe" ! I shall be keeping you posted on the soon to be release date...
I could tell you all the great things that have been said about this band and album,but telling you how well received it was or how honest we were while doing it seems puerile, just imagine how you would if you could freeze a moment in time and this is what we tried to do !
This being said i believe that under scrutiny it does justice to what was expected of us , so just listen and if you like it buy the album and let me know what you think by rating it and posting your comments.Click on iTunes button below to get your album
Bodo - Pause - (USA) ..