I love to take long drives in the Summer, Finding new places, out of the way, just exploring. I love photography, anything that has to do with it. I think for the first year of my kids they thought my face was a camera. I love spending time with my family. When we get out and about it is deffinatly an adventure to say the least. I love to have BBQ's and just chill with my friends. Card games, horse shoes, volleyball, a good game of frisbee. I can be with large crowds or just a couple of friends and I am fine with it either way. I love to watch wildlife, Listening to birds in the morning. Smelling rain before it rains. I like to daydream and watch butterflies. I like to watch my kids play, fight and then figure out on there own how to fix a problem. It is very illuminating to see how there little minds work and that you had a hand in all of it. I enjoy taking walks in the snow and looking at the trees after they have enjoyed a good snow storm. I like soup on hot days and icecream on cold days. I am usually the first to say no but I usually try something atleast once. I have been on an Xtreme journey called life and have came to lots of conclusions over time. 1. Look to your left then to your right, the people standing there are the ones that matter. 2. Forgivness is a long process but when you truely forgive you release yourself from loads of shit that is unneccasary. 3. That you can never go back you can never stay where you are that tomorrow is today and today is yesterday. Think about it... 4. You are never gonna figure out what your true calling is until you have already been doing it for some time. So just enjoy yourself and discover all you can. Who knows that may be your calling???? 5. Love to love and Hate to Hate but never be on the fence commit to it 100% or walk on. Life is just to short to be uncertian. 6. Smile it only takes a second and it will make you and others feel better. 7. Reflect-it is ok to think back it keeps you moving forward. God knows we all need to keep moving forward. 8. Laugh Love and Grow in a nut shell this is it. I could go on forever but these are words of wisdom. I have grasped ahold of and made to be true in my life.
All kinds of people. Old and New.
So I got my Myspace Layout from pYzam , but they also have some awesome comment graphics .
I believe that music is a reflection of the person that you are. My soundtrack is so eclectic and original that I believe to put my self into one bracket or genre of music would be to censor myself. So if the music is good i like it, If it is timeless then I love it. If it sucks then I just won't listen to it again. It is as simple as that.
I love the process of movie making. From the begining to the end. It fasinates me. I enjoy all kinds of films and truely enjoy losing my self in someone elses imagination. Although I find my self looking at the movies and really trying to pick apart the roles and plot. That is why if the movie is good them I will love it.
I watch to damn much of it. Please put some good shit on soooooo we can stop invading the lifes of others and start watching quality work.
Yes please. I love to read. I could give you a list of all kinds of books but all I can say is that if I can read it I will.
I guess I find a great comfort in knowing that I have several people to whom I look up to and can go to, but as far as heroes go I think that I just appreciate what others have done before me and try to take a little of this and that from each person and learn from it. If you are willing to stand up for your convictions and really serve a purpose then you have done more than most.