cassie profile picture


About Me

Life is Random...ask questions
Ocean or Lake? Ocean
Pizza or Chinese? Pizza
Mansion or Penthouse? Penthouse
Have you been on a Jet Ski? Yes
Are you afraid of clowns? Yes!
How many brothers/sisters do you have? Brothers 3 Sisters 2
Favorite band/group? John Mayer/Jack Johnson/Bob Marley/Incubus
Baseball or football? Football
Favorite brand of makeup? Mac
Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes
Do you have an IPod? Yes
Bike or scooter? Scooter for sure!
Ever go in a hot air balloon? Nope
How will you celebrate turning 21? Partyyy, You know...
What brand computer do you have? DeLL
How many times have you been to DisneyWorld? 3
Favorite city? Chicago
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice Cream
Do you think you are fat? No
Ever throw up in a public place? No
Do you have a pool? No
Ever drive a car? Yes
How many times a month do you go to the movies? Twice
Last movie you saw? Love and Basketball
Who is your hero? My Mom!
How old are your parents? My mom is 48 and my dad is 46
What deceased person would you like to meet? Chris Farley
Do you chew ice? Yes
Have you been to California? No
Last book you read? Lifeguard
Favorite teacher? Mr. Egstead
Do you like to go fishing? oh i love it
How many of those do you regret? i have no regrets
What is you average in school? 3.5
Favorite professional team? Wild
Do you like mohawks? oh yeah they turn me
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many
Do you floss? i try
Do you have braces? no
Do you bite your nails? no
What is your last thought before falling asleep? I can't say...
Do you fall in love easily? no
Ever have a crush and they never knew? ohh yeah
Do you babysit? yeah
Ever been shot at? no
Do you work out/exercise? yeah
Do you have 6 pack abs? hahahahaha
Do you consider yourself nice? I hope so
What movie character would you like to be? cameron diez from the holiday
Do you go to camp for the summer? no
Ever been bit by a snake? no
Have you been on a boat? yeah
Name of friend you have known the longest? annie
Do you like jumping on a trampoline? oh yeah
Ever break a bone? nope
Name of favorite Aunt/Uncle? Uncle Rob
What is your ultimate job? BUS DRIVER WITH HOL!
Do you want to walk on the moon? sure
Can you name the seven dwarfs? sleepy, dopy, happy, grumpy, doc, bashful, annnnd sneezy
Favorite TV show? GREYS
Apples or oranges? apples
Favorite model of car? jeep wrangle...idk
Favorite flower? orchids
Favorite color? blue
Besides family, ever have someone of the opp sex in your bedroom? yeeeesss
Ever climb out your bedroom window? mmhmm
Do you live in an apartment or house? neither
How many times in the last month have you had the hiccups? once
Ever laugh so hard milk came out your nose? no but pop..that hurts
How many cousins do you have? 11
Do you believe in ghosts? sometimes
If you were a bird, what would you be? i hate birds
Ever get stitches? yeah
If you could, would you want to know what your future was going to be? nope i like surprises
How many kids do you want to have? 3
If you could change your name, what would it be? aubrey
Dogs or cats? DOGS
Who do you tell your problems to? holly and my mom
Who can your tell your secrets to and know they wont tell? holly and my mom
Do you believe in love at first sight? yeah
Do you go to church? uhhh
Would you marry outside your religon? sure why not
Volleyball or tennis? tennis!
How many people were at your last party? I dont remember
Ever ride in a limo? yeah
Ever drink champagne? yeah
Favorite dinner? too many...anything homemade
Myspace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: Cassandra
Nicknames:: Cassie, cass, cassidy haha
Birthplace:: Burnsville, MN
Current Location:: Milwaukee, WI
Hair Color:: Brown
Eye Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'6"
Weight:: 122
Tatoos?:: nope
Piercings?:: ohh yeah 5
Overused Phrase:: probably "maaaaaaan"
Bedtime:: I wish 10:00
Best Physical Feature:: uhh I dont know depends on the day
Most Embarassing Moment:: ooo wayyy too many
Most Missed Memory:: mission trip to georgia
First Thought When You Wake Up:: what do I want to eat haha
Weakness:: anything chocolate
Best Friends:: Hols, anns, patti, kels, mols, stina, rach
Goal For The Year:: Run 3 miles straight..and be able to say no to chocolate
Greatest Fears:: losing someone i love...and failing
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: coke
McDonalds or Burger King...: mcy-Ds!
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla...: lets be serious..chocolate
Water or Milk...: water
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: coffee
Hugs or Kisses...: haha BOTH
Cats or Dogs...: DOGS
Summer or Winter...: right now..summer
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: haha depends who i'm watching it with..probably romantic comedy
Love or Money...: love
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: purple
Perferred Eye Color:: blue
Perferred Hair Color:: brown
Short Hair or Long Hair...: short unless hockey hair
Perferred Height:: at least 5'9"
Perferred Weight:: I dont long as they arnt smaller than me
Looks or Personality...: personality makes the looks
Hot or Cute...: either
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: muscular
Number:: 3
Food:: ooo I love food way to much to pick one thing
Type of Music:: all different kinds
Candy:: anything chocolate
Color:: blues!
Animal:: BIG DOGS!
Drink:: blue raspberry margaritas mmmmm
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: stomach or back
Movie:: haha uh h shes the man or step up
Past Time:: laying out with friends
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: yup
Smoked?: yeah
Been Beaten Up?: only by my brothers
Bullied Someone?: haha uhh yeah...poor phil
Skinny Dipped?: yeah
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: nope
Toliet Papered Someones House?: ohh yeah
Played Poker W/ Money?: no
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: yeah
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: yeah
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldnt Talk?: yeah
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: too many times
Went Camping?: yeah! so fun!
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: not a tree...
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: yeah
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: yeah
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: yup
Danced In The Rain?: haha yeah
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: ha yeah
Been On Stage?: yeah
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of?: yup
Been To A Nude Beach?: noo
Cursed In Church?: yeah..thats probably not good
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: ...yeah..
Burnt Yourself?: yeah
Been Dumped?: yup
Dumped Someone?: yeah
Been In Love?: no
Been Hit On Someone To Old?: yeah..ew
Wanted To Be A Model?: my whole life
Wanted To Be In The Olmpics?: nope
Bought Lottery Tickets?: yeah
Made Out In A Car?: oh yeah
Cried During A Movie?: yeahh
Wanted Something You Couldnt Have?: too much
Made Love On The Beach?: haha thats dirty..haha
Shoplifted?: no
Seen Someone Shoplift?: no
Hung Up On Someone?: i dont think so
Yelled At Your Pet?: yeah
Gotten Seasick?: nope
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: hahahaha no but that would be interesting
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: haha what kind of question is that
Stalked Someone?: noo not really haha
Had A Stalker?: no clue
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: ohh yeah
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: hahahaha uhh yeah
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: no
Protested?: no
Been To An Island?: yeah
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: the story of my life
Screamed In A Library?: no..but now i really want to
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: uhh...sorta?
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: yeah....
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: ohh yeah
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: yeah
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: yeah thats painful
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: haha no
Threw Up In School?: nope
Recieved A Love Letter That Wasnt Signed?: yeah
Wore Something You Hated?: uh yeah
Wore Something To Match Someone?: ohhh middle school
Been To A Luau?: nope
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: yeah it just keeps slipping
Been On TV?: i think so
Been Outta The Country?: yeah
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: yeah
Won A Pool Game?: yeah
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: nope
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: noo
Dieted?: yeah
Had An Eating Disorder?: no
Cheated On Your Other?: uhhhhhh
Been Cheated On?: not that i know of
Been Paid To Date Someone?: no sad
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: noo! even sadder
Tanned Topless?: nope
Been Strip Searched?: no
Been On A Plane?: yeah
Been On A Cruise?: yeah amazing!
Been Pantsed In Public?: hahaha yeah
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: nope
Broke Someone's Heart?: yeah
Sung In The Shower?: yeah i suck
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: mmhmm
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: hahahahha yeah
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: yeah
Been Walked In On While Showering?: yeah
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: no
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: nope
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: nope
Been In Detention?: yeah
Feel Off A Roof?: nope
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: haha maybe
Been In A Wreck?: yeah
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal?: nope
Made Yourself Puck So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School?: no
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: yeah
Been Shot?: no
Had A Water Gun War?: yeah!
Been Arrested?: uhh once..
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: yeah theres a lot sadly
Country You Wanna Visit:: france
Way You Wanna Die:: i dont want to think about it
Like Thunderstorms?: yeah! love them
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: yeah
R U A Health Freak?: yeah
U Think Ur Attractive?: mmm not really idk
Do You Believe In Yourself?: i try to
Wanna Get Married?: yeah
Wanna Go To College?: yeah
Shower Daily?: yeah i love showers
Want Kids?: yeah
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: hahhahaha
Do U Hate Anyone?: not hate
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: yeah..takes awhile though
Do You Think You Can Sing?: haha no
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: no
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: no i wish
Can You Whistle?: no!!! so frustrating!
Can You Walk In High Heels?: yeah i struggle but yes
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: sometimes
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: eh not really
Can You Multitask?: sometimes
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?:
Can You Fit In Your Locker?:
Do You Spit?:
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?:
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?:
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?:
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?:
What's Your Favorite Scent?:
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?:
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