Make your classroom cruelty-free! With today's modern alternatives, you don't have to hurt animals to learn science.
Why should you oppose dissection?
Many species commonly used for dissection are taken from their wild habitats . Others are bred and killed solely for the purpose of classroom instruction.
Animals suffer throughout this process – during their capture, handling, transport, confinement, and killing.
Other commonly used animals, like pigs, parts of cows, and mink, are bought from the meat and fur industries, and dissecting these animals supports the cruel practices of those industries. More often than not, these animals lived tortured lives - crowded together in filthy conditions, unable to move naturally or see daylight.
Dissection teaches students that animals are nothing more than disposable objects. This instills callous, insensitive attitudes toward animal welfare in many young people.
Over thirty studies show that non-animal methods teach students better, or at least as well, as using preserved animal specimens.
There are dozens of excellent, educationally superior alternatives to dissection to choose from. Animal use is completely unnecessary.
Dissection harms the environment . Taking species from the wild negatively affects natural populations and ecosystems.
Biology classes should promote compassion for life and environmental stewardship, but dissection teaches students that animal life is expendable.
Humane alternatives save schools money in the long run. Animals used for dissection must be purchased every year, whereas well-chosen alternatives are bought once and can be used for years.
At the beginning of the school year, talk to your teacher about your concerns about dissection. Inform him/her about the numerous studies that have proven that humane alternatives teach better than traditional dissection. Request that any planned dissection labs be REPLACED (not supplemented) with animal-friendly, superior alternatives , and provide information about these options. If your teacher still plans to hold a dissection lab, talk to your principal about your concerns.
Inform your friends and classmates about the unnecessary cruelty of dissection and about the available alternatives (and FREE loan programs ). You can also order a free copy of Digital Frog 2 from the Dissection Alternatives Web site , or use one of many free online alternatives .
Contact your school superintendent and school board to voice your opposition to dissection. You can either call or use a sample letter from the Dissection Alternatives Web site.
Send e-cards available at the Dissection Alternatives Web site to spread the message about ending dissection.
Write letters to your local newspaper, magazines, and other local news media about dissection alternatives. Let the public know that no student has to hurt animals to learn science.