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DJ Chrono

About Me

His real name is Zoltan Salai. Born in Subotica. His interest in music started in the year of 2004 only as hobby, when he was 15, and with 18 , free of obligations, started to spinning tracks right away. This year he managed to appear behind turntables more than 40 times in his hometown, including a club in Greece last summer. In 2007 his primary occupation was producing, and he gave a birth to some of nice tracks that “big” names from Hungary are listening with pleasure. Those creations got dozens of positive feedbacks, and in 2008 two tracks finally got released (Digress and Dirty Lucky). This was the first time in his career that some of his work came to surface, which could make his way in the world. This encouraged him for further production work. In July 2008, an EP was released. Voyager EP is consisted of 3 own tracks and one remix by Titan. Progressive, Break-Beat and Tech House sound prevails in this track and some Techno parts characterize the Titan remix. In November of 2008 he remixed Dale Baldwin-s track “Last Thoughts” that was released by Electrax-Progressive just as the EP “The Streets”, released in December, that consists of 3 track where Brajan and Nash Donson remix can also be heard. Few new creations are also ready for release. Next big step was a work with a local rock band “Nowhere Drive” when a guitar, acoustic and vocal sound rich remix was born and a Live Act is also in plan. At this time many producers looked-up for him and were interested in co-production work. From the beginning of 2007 as a member of Progressive Passion team, he participated in organization of many parties and events in the local area.
Njegovo ime je Zoltan Salai. Rođen u Subotici. Interesovanje za muzikom počelo je 2004 godine. Sa 15 godina je već napravio prve korake u stvaranju muzike, a sa 18, oslobođen obaveza, započinje svoju karijeru u svetu muzike. Te godine je, gotovo nepoznatu ovom zanatu, više od 40 puta stao iza mix pulta, čak je uspeo da dobije mesto na jednoj žurci u Grčkoj sredinom leta. 2007. godine sa punom parom predaje novom izazovu, produkciji. Uspeva da kreira nekoliko svojih trekova i remixa, koje su sa zadovoljstvom poslušali par većih imena iz mađarske klub scene. Nakon puna pozitivnih reakcija i pohvala, 2008. uspeva da izda 2 treka ("Digress i "Dirty "Lucky") koje su mu donele veće poznanstvo u ovoj umetnosti. Ovo mu je dalo dodatno samopouzdanje , da više vremena posveti producerskom radu. Jula 2008. uspeva da izda sopstveni EP pod imenom "Voyager" na kojem su se našle njegove tri kreacije kao i jedan remix od Titana. Na kompilaciji pretežno preovlađavaju Progressive,Break-Beat i Tech House zvukovi, dok u Titanovom remixu dominira Techno zvuk. Novembra 2008. pravi remix Dale Baldwin-ovog treka "Last Thoughts" koje je i izdat od strane producerske kuće Electrax-Progressive, koji su takođe izdali i EP "The Streets" u decembru. Kompilacije se sastoji iz tri treka, a svoj doprinos su dali i Brajan i Nash Donson sa po jednim remixom. Pored ovog i druga brojna ostvarenja su spremna za izdavanje. Sledeći veći poduhvat bio je zajednički producerski rad sa lokalnim rok bendom Nowhere-Drive, iz kojeg je se rodio remix bogat vokalima, gitarom i akustičnim zvukovima, u planu je i Live Act! Od 2007 član je grupacije Progressive Passion pod čijim podkroviteljstvom organizuje žurke i druge manifestacije.
Marko Nikolic-Every Single Sound(Chrono rmx) c.s
r2k-Digital Poppin(Chrono rmx) c.s
The Street (Original MIx) / c.s
The Street (Brajan RMX) c.s
The Street (Nash Donson RMX) c.s
Dale Baldwin - Last Thoughts (Chrono RMX) / Electrax Progressive Records
Mellomania (Original Mix) / Electrax Recordings
Spaceland (Original Mix) / Electrax Recordings
Voyager (Original Mix) / Electrax Recordings
Voyager (Titan RMX) / Electrax Recordings
7 Day Dream (Original Mix)
Nowhere Drive vs. Chrono - My Only Sin (Original Mix)
Digrees (Original Mix) / Akashik-Records
Dirty Lucky (Original Mix) / Akashik-Records
Interested in booking Chrono?
Serbia/Subotica-Progressive Passion
+38164/[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 22/05/2007
Band Members: Ascaloon



Sounds Like: Progressive House, Break Beat, Ambient, Tech House, and SEXI music:)
Record Label: Elektrax Progressive

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