About Me
+ Milkshake, Starbucks (frappuccinos), Cycling, Photographing random things, Drawing stuff, Oreos, Making people lose the game, Fender Telecasters, Chocolate, Cooking (Mainly Pasta), Parties, Dressing up, Reading, Politics, Going to the cinema, Breakfast cereals with free toys, Sun, Marmite, Sweets, Walking alone at night, Street signs, Camping, Family Guy, Drinking (Beer) or anything really, Getting lost, Organised mess, Badminton, Taking off and landing on planes, Growing plants, Lifts, Staring at stuff, Rainbows, Looking at stars.
- Socks and sandals, People telling me what to do, Wet cotton, Strange people on buses, Mullets, Gossip, Biffas, Mc Donald’s, Bowls, Skipping tracks on CD’s, Big Brother, Feeling like your falling when you’re about to sleep, Slugs, People who don’t stop talking, Seeing one magpie, Liars, Dentists, Scabs, Not getting as much post as I would like to.