Quantum physics, syrup, pyrite, outter space, Scrabble, Alphonse Mucha, money, Jenga, Frederick Lord Leighton, photons, Robert Motherwell, marbles, checkers, SHOES, chewing gum, COLOUR, THE BRITISH, THE SCOTTISH, my man, crayons, art nouveau, BSG, Recycling bottles and cans for money, doodling, Stay Sassy, sun burning, the globe, cheese, Veggie Delite, furniture, Interior Design, crazy people, ART, Damien Hirst, fuse beads, FASHION, and LIFE.
Some emotional music, like Elliot Smith, who was very consistant with his emotasticality. As we all know, he stabbed himself in the heart. I like a wide range of music. I listen to classical, I hate waltzes and giddy happy crap. I like Aqua and I sing Barbie Girl in the shower almost everyday. Roni Size, RJD2, Ratatat, TV On the Radio, LCD Soundsystem, MF Doom, Depeche Mode, Lauren Hill, Felt, Murs, Jefferson Airplane, The Coup, Sage Francis, The Beatles, The Cranberries, P.O.S., Atmosphere, Fiona Apple, Andrés Linetzky & Ernesto Romeo. Passage is my favorite, and my radio will always be tuned to classic rock.
I really enjoy intensely dramatic films. Especially the ones with premature endings. My favorites would include Clueless, The Shawshank Redemption, Romeo and Juliet (modern version), The Squid and the Whale, O Brother Where Art Thou, Reservoir Dogs, and any sort of Gangster/ mob movie. As far as comedies go, I like Airplane, Stripes, Trading Places, and any cheesy eighties movie. I enjoy laughing at the eighties. The list goes on... but my memory fails me.
At the moment... Battlestar Galactica. It has comsumed my life.
I love my Big Book of Bathroom Crosswords. It is the best book I own and probably will own in my life. Plus 10. Times 2, minus 5. It has taught me so much about myself, I have written the writers twice out of appreciation. But on a less serious note, I read a lot and derive pleasure from the sport.