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We are Roundhouse. A four piece rock band from Wellingborough in England. We've all been musicians for a good few years now, been in various bands and played to lots of people in our time. We've now formed a band called Roundhouse.
We're into a very DIY way of working. There's something awsome about doing all the work within the band. It adds a whole other dimension of pride. We've so far mixed our own stuff, made our own CD's made our own music video and made our own website. We had a little help along the way from our manager Pete and Beck's Studio owner Dave Smith but we pretty much did most of it off our own backs.
The music Roundhouse plays is probably best described as heavy post grunge rock music. We play the sort of music that we wish we could hear more of on the radio or TV. We're not groundbreaking, or innovative. We would never claim to be. We just wanna make music that we love and hope that we appeal to as many people as possible. Maybe even turning people onto rock music who weren't initially all that into it.
So spread the word Roundhouse have arrived and we're looking to explode into a venue near you and make your eardrums melt.
By the way we recorded our latest song at a wonderful little place called Beck studios, it's in wellingborough on the corner of Gisburne and Lister road seriously wonderful people, top quality gear and a fantastic 60's vibe. Go, you'll love it!