Jesus Groupie profile picture

Jesus Groupie

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, I'm a girl on a mission! After having the idea of writing a zine on why I'm Christian, I've been driven to let everyone know that "Christians Can be cool". We don't all wear beige, white beads and supercilious expressions, and quote the Bible at every opportunity! NORMAL PEOPLE LIKE JESUS TOO! I'm not out to convert anyone, I believe you are called to be the best at your own faith as you can be, but whatever religion you are or not, I don't see the harm in being into Jesus. (Hey, just cos I watch world and European cup football, doesn't make me any less of a snooker fan!) There's a few pages on here aimed specifically at certain groups of people who are Christians/converted to Christianity, and good luck to all you lovely people. But I'm about meeting them AND the rest. I'd like this to be a general bridge that other Christian groups can find a link to other groups that they may not have thought existed! I'm not one of those amazing and brave super duper gals like Heather Veitch, Shelley Lubben or Annie Lobert who go out and spread their faith and answer their calling. I'm currently more of a paper pusher missionary! but I'm highly opinionated and always willing to sell you my faith but only if you wanna hear (I'm not out to piss anyone off!). And I have issues with the term "Saved", no one knows for sure who is saved, and it makes us sound so smug and superior, and hey, Jesus is NOT ABOUT SMUG SUPERIORITY! I’m also against abortion, sexism, racism, homophobia, and all other forms of hatred. I also say super duper A LOT (and it gets on my nerves!) I like a good swear! I'm also considering starting a distro, but that's a long way off in the future!Oh, and just how GORGEOUS is Seth Green???

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who run ministries and outreach groups etc for sex workers (male and female), prisoners, teens, homeless, drug addicts, alcohol addicts,. Campaigners against sex trafficking, abortion, homophobia, racism… Jesus groups of vegetarians, environmentalists, teen parents, unmarried parents, and scruff bags in general for Jesus! People who, because of their faith are called to help, in a non “out to convert” sense.Anyone who, for whatever their reasons, like Jesus. Whether you think He had some neat things to say, The Messiah, a lowly prophet, or a really cool Jewish guy from Nazareth... Whether you're a cradle Christian and feel a bit lost or out of place, or those are interested in the guy or just curious as to what He was and we are about! I don't care what religion (if any) you are, or sexuality, or marital status, or nationality, etc. after all, Jesus wouldn't! I'd love to hear your conversion stories too!

My Blog

Christianity Questionnaire (Open to everyone)

  Hi. I wrote this questionnaire to add to "research" for a zine that I'm writing about being Catholic/Christian. heart u forever if u respond! Just to get an idea of who you are: Name: Email ...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 14:19:00 GMT

The Virgin Daughters

Yesterday I watched a programme called Virgin Daughters. I'll admit, I watched it to have sympathy for these daughters. The tv adverts contained the most leechy syrupy looking men (the fathers) coming...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:33:00 GMT

Poster Campaign Targets Prostitute Users

I saw this news report last night and thought you'd find it really interesting! By Sky News SkyNews - Monday, May 5 11:28 am A hard-hitting poster campaign is warning men that sleeping with a woman w...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:37:00 GMT

prayer request

I have a prayer request for 2 people ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Firstly for a man who hates Christianity, and especially Jesus. He was brought in ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:39:00 GMT


This is my response to a guy I'd been writing to, who, after seeing my myspace and reading I'm Catholic, asked if I was "waiting for marriage", I told him I wasn't, and in the next letter he told me (...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:38:00 GMT

Why Do We Hate Ourselves???

We hate ourselves. We must do. why would we treat ourselves how we do if we didn't? I mean, We fill our systems with nasty chemicals which cause depressions, spots, insecurities, weight gain, cancers,...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:46:00 GMT

Today is AMAZING!

I've read a lot of Jesus based blogs, some have made me rejoice "Yes, there ARE NORMAL CHRISTIANS OUT THERE" and some have angered me. REALLY ANGERED ME... As a Christian I can't bring myself to judge...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 01:50:00 GMT