Speak up is an organization I hope to get up and running sometime in the near future. Both in itself and around the community. Based on the south coast of Australia, I myself have been and going through very difficult times. While I write this I am trying to fight severe depression.
I am a 16yr old girl who hasn’t had it easy and learnt a lot of discipline through swimming. Meanwhile growing up for me was hard and tough. The last fours years in particular. Though now I am ready to move forward. Take a stand for the right reasons. I am now happier then what i have ever been before. It is one of the best feelings. Bits of my story will come out in the blogs and advice. Leave it at that. I will not tell anyone who pesters about my life if simply i know they will turn back and through at my face. I am wiser then that.
Speak up. shout out and let the help begin