wADDUp.waddup.iTs Cory Da KiD.oN my GrinD doiN dis raP thanG n I goTz mY Own LIL prOducTions thaNG goin.PLAYGROUND PRODUCTIONS.cheA nuN bIG..i ProDUCe muZik..maKE MuZik VidEOs..Got my oWn lil cLOthing ThaNG goin..so Yea....{lADIeS u ThInk u Can SIng..let Da Kid No n We CaN SeE watChu goTs..hIT me UP..i Got A cOUPle NIGgas wOrkiN fO mE-DEM B.O.M boys..minor thang.BUt deY woRkin so ITs scrate..i sTArtEd dis rAP thaNG in Da BegInin Of dA 10th GrAde...cHIlen Wit dA gOOneS @ da LunCH tAbLE freeStyle N willen OUt...N PPl wAS TAlkEN BOut I wAS gooD..So cheA..i KEpt it goINg..nOW i gotz this WhoLE thanG goIn..I goT diS thaNG wit MY niggas BlaDe n da homIe YOUng Zak..GREEN TEAM..we NicE oN da REal..dont SleEp on em my nigg..So chea Dats juS a lIl suM Sum..so Yall waNT to Get On SOME traCks hitcha Boi UP aite..Im oUTI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics