A couple o' fine bitches who want to go back to my pad in the trees for some liquor and a little game of hide the bananna.
I was totally the inspiration for the Dave Matthews Band song "Proudest Monkey" too bad I didn't get any royalties it's also too bad that they suck. Eminem sucks too. He's not worthy to catch my feces upside his skinny white ass face. Actually I hate music. Just give me some savage drum tracks any day and watch this funky monkey fuckin' get down to the jungle rhythym.
Planet of the Apes- The original. Man that was wicked sweet when Charlton Heston got the comeuppance that his fuck wanker pinko stuck-up ass deserved.
I love the Curious George books even though he cut me out of them. We use to run together George and me. I was the one who fucking brought the ether man! We were blitzed, George was like "Dude" and I was like "Dude I know!" and he was like "Let's get us some guns and kill that twat in that gigantic yellow hat". And I was like "Monkey, I'm fucking packin' my deuce-deuce right now. Fucking climb up his back and stick it in his ear. 'Cap him and let's get back to the ether." It's too bad we didn't have any bullets because it would have been sweet! George had this crazy fuckin look in his eye man. Nothing's as crazy as a monkey on an ether binge.
King Kong. Man he was all about smashing and tearing down the corporate structure by social climbing. And man he got all the bitches