i'm Linda, [but My friends Call Me Ling or Lynn.] LAZY People CALL Me "L.V" (Elle-Vee).. I'm Black, Chinese & vietnamese ("Blasian") & I'm Currently a Student.. I Do Hair & Make-up, Im going To School For My Make-Up Degree & Degree in Fashion Journalism. (So u know I'm Well Dress'd lol) everyone say I'm really GLAMOROUS lol, what can i say.. lol, but I work in all Fields of Make-up, Photoshoots, Movies, Fashion shows etc. Modeling Is just one Of My Side Hobbies, My Dream Career Is to BE a Fashion Writer For VOGUE or A high fashion Magazine or House Somewhere in The INDUSTRY, (& Doing Alot of Charity work) But I've PUT MY DREAMS ON HOLD UNTIL AFTER I GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL, WHICH IS IN LIKE IN 5-6 MONTHS, BECAUSE IM GRADUATING EARLY... 8-) I Think that i've finally decided to Go To School in N.Y.C but I ♥ L.A. as Well, SOoO Who Knows!! I'm From a small City in MA. (somewhere in New England) I ♥ My Friends (them crazy "08" ppl) lol & My 3 bestfriends. Could't ask For better ppl in my life. I'm A "softy" when it Comes to My family, Esp My 2 lil Brothers. (yup Big sis) aha I Give' Dem that Good ol' old fashion Tough Love ;) (And my bestfriend's son "Kaden") I like to chill out & have Fun (go with the flow, U only Live once Dammint!! lol) I'm Too Much of a Girly Girl lol, (friends say i'm a "spoiled Princess" not truee) =) But i DEFF hang with the Big Boyz aha.
(You know, "Drink-My-Beer-&-Smoke-My-weed" Sorta thing) lol
------ Peace(2Fingaz)