Pete profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

My name is Pete...Junior, class 0f name was Rob when i was first the baby in the polite and rarely 100% italian and love the best piece of ass in the whole family is crazy...i have green outgoing, sexy, fun and loved...i can make freinds with pretty much anyone...i have more girl friends then guy friends...come to me for advice, i will help you...i need a snack before bed...i never stop laughing...i cry when i laugh...i love sleeping...i always pick out clothes the night before...i love pickles...olives are better...i love nutella...i never stop laughing...old people are one can pronounce my last name...i hate it when people think they know the words to every song and mumble them when they sing the songs, pretending they know the words...i hate when girls put on lots of makeup...i hate it how every single girl has X0XbehbiigirlX0XhunnyXX3 as there screenname... i sing and dance where ever i a christian and i do believe in the bible...i want to go on a nice vacation...ive never left america...i love green apples...i love hugs...i love the sound of thunder...i hate the feeling of rubbing cotton in my hands...ive never broken a bone...i love random im's and phone calls...i have verizon and unlimited text messages...i always forget everyones screen sexy...i worry to much...i care too always in a good mood...i take a ten minute shower...i cannot balance anything...i want to go on a roadtrip...i do my homework when i get home...i hate it when itches never go away...caps lock is annoying...i love the color blue...i love dancing...i am very scared of heights...i love skull mountain...i will never go on kingda feet smell like buttered popcorn sometimes...i need a soft bed and a big fluffy pillow...i never had a slushy...i am very sensitive...the name "Doyle" is underused...i love taking craps in the brother is cooler than dad always asks a million questions...i want my own laptop...i can play the piano, drums and a little next door neighbor is afghan...i take my time with pretty much everything...i hate when my nails are to short...i am never nervous(mr. brazinski) rather have banana nut crunch, cookie crisp, cocoa pebbles, and count chocula...chocolate chip a good cook... i prefer raw cookies and brownies...i hate ketchup... i hate mustard... barbeque sauce is the worst...i hate scared of the dark...i love kids...i want them someday...i never stop too good to and basketball are my two sports...i want massage...i love watching home mom tells me to put a sweater on when im outside sweating in 70 degree is my favorite holiday...i love being in the car with my parents when they are lost...i love when people play with my hair,give me a massage, you know...i have the greatest friends...white castle, ahhh...wawa subs are the shit...i have a shi-tzu named kobe...i looove the beach...i want to learn how to surf...theres a lot more to love about me but i just realized no one would ever read this...

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Maybe we'll live and learn, Maybe we'll crash and burn, Maybe you'll stay, maybe you'll leave, Maybe you'll return, Maybe you'll never find, Maybe we won't survive, But maybe we'll grow, You never know baby you and I
Myspace Countdown or Myspace LayoutsPrima o poi l'amore arriva!!


all music is amazing....i sing and dance to anything i hear..


i have basic cable.....


i have every goosebump book... i really dont read


CRAIG!!!Walter S. Balsavage, Jr. as President and Inventor developed this innovative simple design at low cost. Vietnam War Veteran, BA: Political Science and History, Retail Sporting Sales, Teacher, NRA: Life, Who's Who: American Inventors, Investment/Insurance Sales, Armament Section Repair Chief: NJARNG, Instructor: Small Arms. Lifetime commitment to firearms.