This is where I live |
So this is the "ship" (our buildings are called ships) I live in at NSTC Great Lakes, the USS Franklin. This was made before we had the big screen TV in the lounge but the 1st deck hallway is the one... Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 18:42:00 GMT |
No More Boot Camp! |
So boot camp is officially over finally. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, except for the fact that I was made my division's yeoman (clerk and all around bitch) the second day. So I had to ... Posted by on Sat, 16 May 2009 06:28:00 GMT |
confidence |
when the sandman calls on you he'll ask you what you want to do in a dreamland fantasyand if you knew dreams could come true what would you wish, what would you choose to pass the hours awayif life tu... Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 14:25:00 GMT |
quest |
What do you call the moment when your smile starts to fade thatinstant when the laugher stops andechos far away whenthe wave has passed and everything is like it was before that something came andlift... Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 16:08:00 GMT |
pacifism |
"Pacifism" is a luxury affored by the blood of patriots. First of all just what is pacifism? The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary give us: 1: opposition to war or violence as a means of settling d... Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 19:41:00 GMT |
poetry |
when lies collide to spawn truth it'sovertly digested dichotomy likefickle craving confusion orclarity of time with disgust of lust amanifesto of blood driven disgorgingcutting out the festered rankle... Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 22:25:00 GMT |
Why I Joined |
For anyone who knows me the decision of mine to join the Navy's Special Forces must come as a surprise. And I'll admit that I'm a bit surprised myself. It's not like I'm some bloodthirsty flag waver... Posted by on Sun, 15 Feb 2009 18:13:00 GMT |
anticipation |
a loud triumphant HA! at aglimmer of self conclusion eventhough the view is naked of somewasteland barren fusion like the awkward silence after laughter ends butno new joke is spoken a pretty bubb... Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 18:52:00 GMT |
perhaps it's karma |
The juxtaposition of desire and satisfation seems so earnest a motivation to pursue yet every waking moment of this ride called life is but a chasing of one moment to the next. An illusion of contro... Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:53:00 GMT |
fuck redemption |
It all breaks down to one simple fact: If there is no tomorrow then today doesn't matter. Think about what would happen if the news said that there were a giant asteroid headed this way and was goi... Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 15:15:00 GMT |