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About Me

The scoop is as follows...My name is Tim Heacock. I'm currently a junior attending Western Michigan University. I'm very much involved with Theatre here and I am trying my damndest to be a Theare Major. I like Sex on the beach, Red headed sluts, and Buttery Nipples...If you can't tell i'm talking about drinks...Thoooooough...no just kidding...Never tried having sex on a beach before, or a red headed slut, or buttery nipples though i would imagine they might be kind of awkward especially if done all at once...the drinks are good though Yes a corny joke I know i have tons of 'em. Anywho I like to think I'm a very likeable person that has a fairly good idea where he is going in life. I have a sense of humor, "bad" most times...but i do have my moments. I consider myself a good listener. I am always there for my friends any time any place if they really need me and expect them to do the same. I have had countless 2:00 am conversations with people they were upset but I know they needed me so I was there and I'm glad they new they could turn to me.....***Make a Note Here*** I am always there for friends, (that means you....***Note Ended.*** Well anyway this is beginning to be more long winded tha I originally intended it to be so I leave you with this: If you want to know more just ask. I am willing to talk to anybody.That pretains to everybody except for the the creepy ones. *Note "I'd like to meet" section* For more details ;)
You are Michael.
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Your Bedtime Body Language (PICS)(Guys Only)

Face Down
Studs who sleep on their stomachs have passion and energy. Your a hands on guy who tends to be punctual and successful. One caveat: Your propensity to hog the bed space with your sprawling position suggests you might be a tad controlling.
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Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Medium
Sloth: Medium
Envy: High
Lust: High
Pride: High
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?

My Interests

My Interest are to many to explain. So I'll tell you a little about the things i'm uninterested in...just to be different...if you want to know more you could always ask. So anyway somethings i'm uninterested in, to the dismay of many people, is music. Music in general has never been a big part of my life. There are a few songs here and there that I like but for the most part it is no big deal mostly background noise...So for all those people hating me right now for this sentiment sorry but i'm not going to change many have tried and many have failed. So anyway other un-interests include sports...don't really get them so i'm not really that interested in them. I really don't like partying that much i'm much more of a small crowd kinda guy. Though I occasionally go clubbing and to a party but it really isn't my "Scene." Cirious?...Ask More.
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I'd like to meet:

I'm not here for random hook-ups or fake people. I'm here for friends, and "someone" special, (If they exist.) I would like to meet someone who is genuine, kind and actually willing to make an effort in a relationship be it intimate, friendship or any other type of relationship. I've gotten sick and tired of being the only one to make an effort. So if you are not willing don't talk to me. I don't want to be a bitch but I'm not going to make the effort if you don't. This also means if you want to add me as a friend actually leave a comment or a message, try to start a conversation. You would be surprised how well you get to know some people if you actually talk to them. Like I said I'm a genuinely happy and carefree person that talks to everyone so if you want to be my friend...or more just talk back.


Read My Interest section...need I say more Music Video: BEAUTIFUL SOUL (by Jesse McCartney)

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Rafael. You're most like the ArchAngel of Healing.


I like a lot of Sci-fi movies though I watch all types. My favorite movie as of now is too many to say. I also like movies that take different views on religion For example Dogma, Constantine, and The Order. Comedies are alwyas funny...(no shit sherlock.) I like just about any kind of movie...That is of course excluding poorly made ones i.e. Superstar, Napoleon Dynamite, or VanHelsing...the list goes on. I do, however, prefer live theater so HINT HINT for all those suitors out there who want to take me out on a date.


Again alot of Sci-Fi...Stargate is my kryptonite. That makes me a dork...I know...but we all have our vices. Other than some witty sitcoms I rarely watch T.V. Even my "favorite" shows give way to my busy school schedule.


Wish I had time to read a variety but due to school I mostly read plays and texrbooks...Of course there is always time for Harry Potter.