Create your own Friend Quiz hereGod, reading, exercising, traveling, sports, and more!I Have A Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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This site is funny, I jumped on the band wagon once I heard you can find some old friends...I've ran into peeps I haven't heard from in years, I'm definitely blessed to have reconnected with so many. I mainly on here to keep in touch with old friends but if you want to holla at ya boy, at least drop me a line or two before hitting that friends request button. Oh I'd also like to meet some of the peeps below!b
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My Beautiful Cousin Denise
Urban D
Biz Man
Agent 707
D.L. Harris
Superstar Nancy
Miss G mah Peruvian Sis
John L
My Baby's Mama
Rogerick Detroit City!
Mark & Lilly
The Rest of Da First Class Lounge
I like all kinds of music as long as it's good...right now I'm really feeling that Kirk Franklin CD.
I really don't watch much T.V. but when I do, I'm mainly watching Sportscenter, CNN, and some reality shows
The Bible, A Purpose Driven Life, The Last Season (Phil Jackson), and Who's afraid of a large black man (Charles Barkley).
Jesus Jesus Jesus! Jesus is definitely my Lord, my Saviour! On Nov 4, 2003...I had an experience that changed my life forever! That night someone opened up the bible and started showing me scriptures which made me want to surrender my life to God!A lot of people have a curiosity to know about God but with so many religions in this world, one can easily be confused. I started studying religions and how some originated in search of truth. As I studied I learned that God's desire was to establish a relationship with man; therefore, He created this world and man (Adam & Eve). Due to Adam & Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden, sin entered into this world.The Bible says "There is none righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10). "For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). As I studied these verses, I learned that I was born into this world a sinner and by looking at what I've done in my makes sense. Some parents tell their little children not to do things and they do it anyways...who taught them that? It's our sinner nature."For the Wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 6:23). "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth shall not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) These verses tell me that because of sin which everyone in this world has done, the punishment for this is death. Not death as in I'll fall over in die because if this was the case...we'd all be 6 ft under. This talks about spiritual death, separation from God forever i.e. Hell! But God gave us Jesus Christ to die for our sins...Jesus paid the ultimate punishment for sin and whosover believes got your key to Eternal Life with God...Heaven!Now I don't have any kids but have to young brother who mean the world to me...In my mind I pictured one of my young brothers being punished, beaten, hurt, etc. If you've seen the movie The Passion, that same kind of punishment Jesus faced, I was applying it to my brother with me watching him and not doing a thing about it. The thought of that was bothering some and hurt me...that's when I felt the Spirit say...that's what God did for you! That night I laid in bed crying asking God for forgiveness because even though I may have done a lot of good things in life, I've also done some bad things which Jesus paid the punishment for it."That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and shall believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:9-10)That night I prayed the following:
God, I thank you for all you have done in my life and ask you to forgive me of all my sins I have ever done. I believe that Jesus was sent to die for my sins and that you raised him from the dead. I now ask you to come into my life, in Jesus name I pray! AmenMy life has been great ever since...yes I still go through the same trials and tribulations you all go through but God gives me the piece of mind to get through the day with peace and confort. A few years ago the military sent me to the middle east for 4 months, it was the worst 4 months of my life...I was able to make it through each day because I knew one day I would be leaving that place and heading back home...well I look at life the same way, I know one day I will leave this world and enter a place of happiness, no pain, and love!I still make mistakes, sin, etc...however, the blood of Jesus covers all!Hope this helps everyone who reads it. If you disagree, God Bless you and I pray you continue to look for whatever that is your searching. If you'd like some advice, have questions, feel free to hit me up anytime.