Get Code | Create Your Own!.........Como explicarlo con toda yo soy un secreto, nadie puede descifrarlo, solo el que mira a traves de mi espejo... de esa manera me encontrarÃ arte en forma de mujer, no me gusta que se me juzgue por mi gusta que vean mi esencia a traves de mi boca, mis ojos o mi tacto...Amo la naturaleza...un bosque, un lago..seria el lugar perfecto para perderme en su nada y enamorarme alli...recostada desnuda sobre tierra mojada... y meter mis pies en ese lago..frio!me gusta oler a flores, por eso inventé una leyenda...que esta escrita en el ático de mi escondite...mi secreto personal.Besos a todos los que han llegado al rincon de mis sombras...Angelique.Dedicado a todos los que aqui suspieran... y sobretodo a mi Alma gemela..que todas las noches de mis dÃas me señala sobre la Luna."...........How can I explain it into words...if I'm a secret myself, nobody can guess it, only the one who looks through my that way he would find me... I..m art in a woman's shape, I don't like to be judged for my appearance... I like to be seen through my mouth, my eyes or my touch...I love nature... a forest, a lake...that would be the perfect place to get lost in its nil and to be in love layed naked on a wet ground and put my feet inside that lake..cold lake!I like smelling flowers, that is why I made up a legend... that I wrote in my favorite hiding place.. my secret way... Kisses to... Everybody who have reached to my shadows corner...Angelique."This Myspace is dedicated for you....that whisper my name... And Of soul_mate... whatever you are...I think of you. ..cause your eyes find me in the moon.
Myspace Layouts at / In the nude