Son of the brilliant biochemist Rex Tyler (Hourman I), I, although having an aptitude for science had no interest in a career of medicine or chemistry, but instead wished to become an artist.
Though I would follow in my father's footsteps in a more unexpected way, that of a superhero. While my father and I where visiting Los Angeles a series of earthquakes struck as a result of the Crisis of Infinite Earths, I ingested one of my father's Miraclo pills and later donned a costume.When many of Earth's heroes were without warning teleported aboard the Monitor's satellite to join in the battle against the Anti-Monitor, I rose to the occasion and fulfilled my father's duties as Hourman.I have chemically enhanced super-human strength, speed, stamina and durability for the duration of one hour enabled by the drug Miraclo. I also possess the ability to randomly see one hour into the future.