[Mallory.Amanda] profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My names Mallory! IM 16 years old I go to LHS and im a junior I cheer for New Generation and cheering IS my life Im very outgoing and i live to have fun AMANDA NICOLE LASHOMB IS MY BEST FRIEND, i would die without her♥ eating and laughing are my fav's And im gunna marry billy regnier:D If you wanna talk or know more im me at Malloryx3Amanda

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P.S. SHE'S MY LIFEyou're not friends because you sit together at the lunch table, talk on the phone, have matching flip-flops, or can recite each other's wardrobe. you're friends because when she smiles a grin forces itself across your face no matter how angry you are. when she cries instantly you feel her pain and wanna cry with her. and when you look her in the eye you know there's no one you could ever trust more.