I'd like to meet artists wiling to work with other artists as well as their local indy music stores that are willing to sell the independent artists wares.
How it works, ideally and typically (ultimately, it's up to the other musicians you contact through this site) is like this;
You have a cd that is your work or the work of someone YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO SELL FOR THEM. You find another musician in an area (through IMEC) where you would like to market your music. Contact them and see if they would be interested in working, cooperatively, with you to do an exchange via hooking them up with their local indy music store. Whether you handle the money for the other artist and vice-versa (this would be entirely up to your level of trust...IMEC holds NO responsiblity for any money/property loss and cannot be held liable accordingly) or you are just the person who gives them contact info for the store, the intention is that each party ends up getting their music in another market. The rest is up to you.
It's also important to note that while beng a part of this collaborative implies that there is an interest on your part, no-one should by any means feel obligated to work with EVERY person that might come your way. We all live very busy lives and can and should only be expected to do what we feel capable of handling.