Nick Twist Esquire profile picture

Nick Twist Esquire

I am here for Friends

About Me

For starters i am the easiest artist in the world to work with... im extremely down to earth and very easy to get along with, most people that meet me like me...i've got a ton of energy and love to meet new people and take on awesome not shy and find it hard to not get along with most anyone.I'm generally described as funny and i would have to agree with that, im quick witted and like to make people laugh....sarcasm is a must
I have a 4 year old son (whom i cherish). He's given me a lot of vision on art and how to look at something and see it differently again......I'm looking to meet interesting individuals who can hold an intelligent conversation and who can also have a good laugh with rediculous conversation, especially if we're gonna work on something we gotta keep it relaxed, i dont do business unless we keep it cool.I do pretty much anything when it comes to graphic design and art. Tatoo design is very popular, feel free to ask about getting some designs done. I charge by the job not by the hour. You'd be surprised how affordable i really am, its worth it.
music, now theres a subject.....where to start, I like so much of it, except for 99.999% of pop and country. I would surely kill myself if all i had to listen to was the fucking crap of todays pop music, how unoriginal does it have to get people? As for country I can at least respect it as a genre of music, I just hate the shit out of it. My idol in music is Mike Patton, pure genius all around, I have YET to hear something he has done that I dislike I just love what he does. I'm Currently working on putting together an album with someone but that is best left unsaid for i never said it?....good.

My Interests

Drawing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Comedy, Apple computers and related stuff, Friday and Saturday nights, Retro and Modern art, Poor Grammar, meeting new people.

I'd like to meet:

pretty much anybody, I guess people who are into what I'm into is a plus, but I'm down for making friends with whoever as long as your not a fucking jerkoff.

Who Should Paint You: Salvador Dali
You're a complex, intense creature who displays many layers.
There's no way a traditional portrait could ever capture you! What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?


im not even gonna name specifics, just genres cuz i like too many bands to waste the time typing them all.

Jazz, Fusion Jazz, Rock & Roll, Mike Patton (it should be a genre), Instrumental & Orchestrated, Metal, Hardcore, Classical, Atmospheric, little Hip-Hop, little R&B,....others, but im too lazy to put more.


Comedies are number one, I also enjoy B horror flicks.

Television: time for this crap anymore.....i go to sleep watching the high def video game channel....thats it.


Lets see....uh: Complications: A Surgeons Notes on an Imperfect Science, Anything Lee Child has written, Anything Luis Royo has published in his artbooks which isnt really reading but still great, fuck...maybe I should read game magazines count right?


Salvador Dali, M.C. Escher, Roy Lichtenstein, Mike Patton, Luis Royo, Seth Macfarlane, Seth Green.

My Blog

45,000 square feet of nothing but artwork and sculpture and mini coopers?

look at the fucking predicament we are in here people....what the hell has america come to? I mean honestly, what are we? ALL OF US are living like a bunch of poor people....unemployment is at an all...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 07:04:00 PST

the convenient part is they do the surgery right at the pump

so random state holiday today so that means i'm off.that means my kid is in school.that means that i don't have to go to work for NO reason at all.HMMMMMMM.Prospects...but all the things i have to do ...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 01:08:00 PST

id be fucking shocked to hell. like honestly i’d be shocked

well well well, this is the first time i actually sat and watched the WHOLE superbowl and wow it was pretty cool. Lots on the a baseball man myself...and for some reason baseball never ends...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:24:00 PST

noone knew who he was till he did something

normally i leave animals alone.i mean after all, they are pretty much harmless for the most part...but every so often an animal comes along and it makes me say "hey, im glad the fucking thing is dea...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:13:00 PST

i promise to love it and take great care of it.

to hell with applesauce and hell with it!i coud care less about either of them, it did make for a terrific opening least in my eyes.....most of the time MY eyes are clouded...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:12:00 PST

fresh "inflatable raft" smell

do we all remember the days when they used to ask us what we wanted to be when we grow up? I think every kid is asked that question....i think i wanted to be a kitelast night i had a halloween party,...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 10:18:00 PST

i can cleary see why you would presume it was ted danson

so going against what medical science tells us, lets pretend we are all immortal like myself, what sort of things would you do like a billion years from now?i'll tell ya what i'd do, i'd finally make...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:31:00 PST


not wearing a watch is feelin really istoday i found out that im actually getting paid as normal this week...thankfully...its been so stressful trying to figure out if was getting a payche...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 06:34:00 PST

seriously, i fucking love water

so after a little over a year now i have finally come to the conclusion that im not gonna wear a watch done with watches. I have a cell phone so that is basically a pocket watch. Its ...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 03:49:00 PST

i dunno what youve been told

so when ur foot hurts cuz its like fractured on one of the top bones you generally try to avoid having contact with anything that will make it hurt more...that is not the case when someone ELSE causes...
Posted by Nick Twist Esquire on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 01:51:00 PST