La musique , La musique , La musique .... Ah oui pis mon band (No Hero For Today)
Normand Lamour - The Lawrence Arms - Evergreen terrace - Hot Water Music - The Draft - Turbonegro - Andrew W.K. - Johnny Cash - The Ramones - Foo Fighter - Beastie Boys - Against Me - Rise Against - The Police - Smashing pumpkins - Dragon Force - Hatebreed - Madball - Throwdown (le vieux) - Motorhead - Guns N Roses - Led Zeppelin - Megadeth - Metallica - Alice Cooper - Iron Maiden - Motley Crew - Dokken - Warrant - Skid Row - Van Halen - AC/DC - Def Leppard - Boston ... Bref tout que qui est 80's rock !
Maximum Overdrive - Evil Dead - Poltergeist - Nightmare On Elm Street - Happy Gilmore - The Waterboy - Billy Madison - The Anchorman The Legend Of Ron Burgundy - BASEketball - Orgazmo - Batman 2 - Detroit Rock City - Crank - Walk The Line - Emanuelle 6 lolll!!
Go!! Habs Go!! - The Simpsons - Family Guys - South Park - L'gros Show
J'sais po lire jai juste ma 3e année lolll!!
Johnny Cash - Willy Nelson - Ron Jeremy - Ron Burgundy - Rick Allen ( Def leppard drummer)... En mémoire de son bras gauche ..