Football Football Football Football and Track I RUN 11.00 in the 100meter dash F.A.T.
I do not need to meet any more ladies because the one i care about is back in my life and i am happier with her than any other girl................................but kyle still wishes he was better than me
Linking Park always and forever
Full metal jacket "are u gay private snow ball" "sir no sir" "well u look like u could suck a golf ball throug a garden hose"This is my rifle this is my gun this is my rifle this is my gun This is for killin this is for fun This is for killin this is for fun
PANICHIUM it is a discovered element by is not found in its natural state because it is highly reactive to Co2 given off by is a silvery metalic metalloid...when bonded with carbon and hydrogen it forms a unknown compound to be soon hear more stay updated
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