The Victorias profile picture

The Victorias

About Me

We are The Victorias! Through the years we have managed to work with lot of great peoples and travelled to really cool places. The result of our journey is cut down to our band. We have filled it up with all the energy and love and we try to showoff this to you at our conserts. So you can enjoy our music at the same terms as we do.After traveling around in the world for months, spent weeks together in isolated islands all across asia and in the middle of nowhere in the swedish woods the inspiration hit us like a brick in our faces. We created a couple of new songs like Julia and The good years can wait,Wich you can find in our cd In the Kings Head we also wanted to refresh our old single Little instant love connector cause it..s where a good oppertunety to bring it that song to the limits.We have selected our most delightful songs, remade them and shaped them so they fit in that album. We walked in to The Musicamatic studio located at Tredje långatan in Gothenburg Sweden and got blown away, when we saw all the great artists who have been working in this studio in the past years! Thanks to our producer Michael Nilsson we found the sound we wanted and got started. For the moment now. We are looking for a promotioncompany who want to work with us. So if you are intressted send me a mail. And if you wanna buy our record just send me a mail with your adress.//Cheers The Victorias.

My Interests


Member Since: 21/05/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Johan Bergstrom (Singer) Andreas Bergstrom (Guitar) Tobias Johansson (Guitar) Vidar Klemedtsson (Bas) Patrick Vant Hof (Drums)
Influences: New album out In the Kings Head. PRICE 100 swedish krona or download it from Itunes, Jamba... 7 TRACKSThe good years can wait, Little instant love connector, Heart of Gothenburg, Friday night, Julia, It..s okay, Heroes,
Sounds Like: ..
Sticky Live

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

NY spelning

Hej alla våra vänner. nu på fredag den 4 december 2009 så kommer the Victorias att uppträda för första gången på Pusterviksbaren (Järntorget 4) vi kommer att gå på kl 22/ 23 och efter det så kommer ba...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Dec 2009 05:25:00 GMT


Hej hejden 7 - 9 augusti hålls kornfestivalen. Där kommer T V att uppträda."VÄNNER! OVÄNNER! VÄN-N-E-R!När augusti inviger, står vi beredda.Ta din kompis bil, eller vandra.Korn låter oss spela högt.Na...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Aug 2009 04:28:00 GMT

Victorias goes Germany.With RaM booking.

Its with a big smile on my face when i say that we have Ram Booking to help us plan a tour in germany next year. So for booking requests in germany please mail RaM.RaM Booking you can find him as our ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 15:30:00 GMT

New songs to listen to on myspace

Hey hey.You can now listen to 4 songs from our new cd "In the Kings Head" here at myspace.If you like them feel free to mail me and buy our new record. 100 swedish kronaIn the Kings head. Including 7 ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 12:43:00 GMT

just nu.

Tänkte bara fylla ut den talande tystnaden (förutom det självklara pipet i örat). Just nu repar vi för att vi ska spela in i maj, ORDENTLIGT denna gången. Sedan så letar vi efter spelningar som attans...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 14:45:00 GMT

Nu händer det mycket avskedskonsert showdown 6 december samt Nytt gig i Bangkok

Som många säkert vet så kommer vi dra till Asien i december kommer bli as skönt med lite lir och lite sol. Som en kaka till er som blir hemma, som missar oss när vi tämjer lejon i en annan konti...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 14:18:00 GMT


Nu drar vi väster ut, eller jag vet inte vi ska iväg hela bandet på en musikalisk resa och förhoppningsvis en helg av fylla:) Detta kommer att bli våran uppladdning inför radiospelningen vi har nästa ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 14:48:00 GMT

BABABA badabadaba bababa badabadabada da da da

Hey everyone! I just wanna say that i got some very prommesing new sounds that i have recorded on my mobile.ohh yeah ;)   And i relly want to thank everyone how visited sticky 1 okt.&...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 13:17:00 GMT


Nu är det dags att släppa ännu en höst raket..   Victorias ni vet Johan Patrick Andreas Tobias och Vidar. Ska spela live i The Tommy show i radion Mix megapol heter stationen kl 17:00 den 17de Ok...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 12:08:00 GMT

Uppladdningen Fortsätter inför kommande världsrekord

Vill passa på att tacka arrangörerna och publiken på årets upplaga av Korn Festivalen. Vi är grymt tacksamma och ser fram emot nästa år.Kommer bli otroligt bra även då.  Nu laddar vi inför Sticky...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 22:14:00 GMT