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Past Winners:
"How can you help me (Bands)? "
First off, it's more so how can I help you help yourself?
I list you on my forum,
MotiveighT Music Forums , and that
gives people the opportunity to know who you are. It helps back linking on
google to, so people can help find your music easier when they use the search
Not only that, the more people who know about MotiveighT
Music, the more exposure possible for your band.
"Whats in it for you (MotiveighT Music)?"
Nothing is in it for me really. It's a free service. I do
it for the love of music. Having the name of my business out there is all I'm
getting really, and that's fine by me. But what helps me, helps you. The more
bands who know about me, the more people who know about me, the more
possibilities there are for people to find your band. The easier it is for them
to hear about you. What helps me, helps you.
"How can I get started being helped? "
Easy! Just contact
me. Message me here and I'll do what I can:
"How can I be a featured band?"
Easily done. Just send out bulletins about
MotiveighT, add MotiveighT to your top friends, and PLEASE get people to sign up
for our forums and newsletter; As soon as we recognize how you're helping spread
the word about what we do, the rest will fall into place.
If you want to be promoted sooner, its also going to need some help from you,
just start letting people know about us, tell people to join our forums, get
them to sign up for our newsletter, and we'll promote you.
We work on Networking after all, so the more people who know of us, the more people who will find out about YOU.
"Do I Have To?"
To be assured that we'll
promote you, yes, since it WILL help you if you put me in your top
friends and send out a bulletin asking people to join my forum and add
MotiveighT Music Promotions to their myspace.
The More people who know me, the bigger the networking of
MotiveighT Music Promotions gets, and that means the more people who can
possibly know you, imagine if every band I helped did it, then a hell of a lot
of people would get to know you.
So start spreading the word of MotiveighT Music, and
we'll start promoting you!!