Politics, Economics, Social Reform, Poerty, Racism, Philosophy, Music, and porn (gotta be well rounded).
The person who thought vegetarianism was a good idea. I'd laugh at them. Wait, wasn't Hitler a vege? Yeah, don't trust anyone who doesn't eat meat. It's unhuman.
I like reggae, ska, acoutic, rock, jazz, funk, blues, metal, and some (but very little) rap. Ben Harper - Temporary Remedy
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I like movies that don't suck. Anything that isn't stupid, or lame. Oh, and ones that aren't boring. So, pretty much nothing that most people like.
Currently Reading: Down These Mean Streets - Piri Thomas
Just Read: The Revolt of The Masses - Jose Ortega y Gasset
About To Read: The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandar I. Solzhenitsyn
Emipire by Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri
Anarchy, State, and Utopia by Robert Nozick
My heros include Camilo Cienfuegos, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lennin, John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and of course, Sherman Austin. Gotta include Bob Marley, Bradley Nowell, and these three homeless black guys I met in Chicago.