Megan profile picture


You got me trippin, stumbling, flippin, fumbling

About Me

Hi, I'm a fun energetic girl who likes going to the movies, shopping, hanging out with friends, working out & doing what ever makes me happy. I live life to the fullest with no regrets. I share a condo with my best friend who is now my roommate. We love meeting new people, keeping connected with old friends and entertaining at our new pad. **You have to take the Good with the Bad, Smile with the Sad, Love what you Got, Remember what you Had. Always Forgive, but never Forget, Learn from your Mistakes, but Never Regret. People Change, Things go Wrong, but just remember Life Goes On..!! body { background-color: FFCCFF; .r{} scrollbar-face-color:FF99CC;scrollbar-highlight-color:FF3399 ;scrollbar-3dlight-color:FF0066;scrollbar-shadow-color:BBBBB B;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:888888;scrollbar-arrow-color:FF 0033;scrollbar-track-color:FF99CC; }.r{}Hi, I'm a fun energetic girl who likes going to the movies, shopping, hanging out with friends, working out & doing what ever makes me happy. I live life to the fullest with no regrets. I share a condo with my best friend who is now my roommate. We love meeting new people, keeping connected with old friends and entertaining at our new pad. **You have to take the Good with the Bad, Smile with the Sad, Love what you Got, Remember what you Had. Always Forgive, but never Forget, Learn from your Mistakes, but Never Regret. People Change, Things go Wrong, but just remember Life Goes On..!!