man... i don't know... i like to hoop, learn new things and learn about what is and is not necessary. like is it necessary to have a computer or myspace or even a car? like is it necessary to even have a job so i can have the money to buy the computer to get on myspace? or is it necessary to earn a living? like living is something you earn. so who has the right to take it if you don't earn it? so is life a currency? can it be exchanged for goods and services? like is it necessary to even have most of the things we use on a daily basis? is what we think is necessary fabricated by someone or something else to make us think we need our "necessities" and get a job so we can have it and drive a car so we can go and do it and use a computer to accomplish it and use myspace to distract us from it? so what's really necessary?... but what about me?