.. Mark .. profile picture

.. Mark ..

I am here for Friends

About Me

about me aye...hmm...well im filo mixd wit a bit of spanish lolz talk bout speshial filo like another million lolz!!. I like to hav fun and hang wit ppl who like to hav fun and laugh...sorri to all the boring ppl =P jkz jkz .^^ but yea if u wanna get to know me then dude its done! lets set it up and its a dATe! .^^
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My Interests

htp .. Clubbing, dancin .. watchin movies .. hangin out .. goin out doin those before you die things .. anime ..

I'd like to meet:

everyone~! in dA WoRlD! dat would be kool but dont blame me if i dont get ur name rigHt ! yeA!


R&B all dA WAY!! woo HOO!......umm......techno and dance is good to, asian POP, some hip hop and yea nefin dat sounds good!! n like a friend once said "Rememba to dance with the beatz not to it"


300!!, Pirates of the caribbean, Last Samurai, Underworld, Iron Man, American pie and tonz! more!!


Luv watchin anime! =P muHAHaha, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, NCIS


yo i luv my uni books so much mAN!! dere like Still in the wrappin and all! .^^


My Parents! .. Grand Parents ..