THinGs ABoUT FURRNaNDOughH:) -Bee WilD. -DonT liStEn TO HATerZ. -LOve LIke YOUve NEVeR BEEn HUrt. -MusIc EqUalS LIfEeE. -DriNKinG EqUALs FUnN:) unless your driveing after -behh UnN-PreDictABle. -TouCH Ppl. InN ANyWaY POsSIBLe. -Say THe TruTH EVeN iF iT hURTs.! -Do ANyTHing TO AcCompLisH uR GoaL. -LiVE 4 THe StRaIghT niGhtS && ShOTs -BiTchEs AInt SHit iN my BoOk. -do DoO WHat I wAnT DOnt GiVE aA FuCk What THey SAyY. -beHh coMfORtAbLE wiTh Who YoU ArE. -LiFE Is FuCKinG GReAt. oHHH iN Behh YOURSElf. SHOWWsomeeeLOVEEE