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bEhind sTruggle cOmes rEward (bEsTcOrE Entertainment)1 RULE IN THE RECORD BUSINESS: STAY HUMBLE!!! IF YOU'ER NOT HUMBLE, PLEASE LOG OFF, THANK YOU!bEsTcOrE Entertainment is an Independent Artist & Repertoire (A&R) and music services company which specializes in providing unsigned artists, bands, songwriters, producers and DJ's actual access to various major and independent record labels, management, producers and bEsTcOrE Staff with the power to sign deals.bEsTcOrE Entertainment staff is closely associated with well-established major & Independent record label executives, management and producers and was formed to provide unsigned artists the opportunity to showcase their music and talent to the world. Most of all bEsTcOrE will be your coach. We will not sugar coat things so be able to HUMBLE your self to take the bitter with the sweet.WE DO NOT GUARANTEE ANY RECORD DEALS. WHAT WE DO GUARANTEE IS THAT YOUR MUSIC WILL BE HEARD BY TOP EXECUTIVES.Benefits of joining bEsTcOrE include:The opportunity to submit unlimited material for preview by executives in all functions of the music business and the world. Please copyright your material: . Quality music and materials will be presented to Major Record Labels, Producers, DJ's, and Manag No more wasting your money sending music to the labels.