Takeshi profile picture


Fall down nine times. Get up ten.

About Me

Visitor map is crap! It didn't work!I'm not rich or famous and I don't aspire to be. I try to be observant, ponderous, and deliberate in my life as much as I'm able. I believe that love is in abundance and to give it unconditionally is not only okay, but the best thing to do. Also, I am amazing! :)Things I'm currently excited about include, but are not limited to, naps on hot rocks, ink, Slipstream lit, metafiction, metalepsis, catechresis, trompe-l'oeil lit, infinite regress on purpose, ad infinitum. (Booyakashaa!)..

My Interests

Writing.Reading.Running.Fighting.Eating.Oilpaints.Martialart s. Eating.Sleeping.Spokenword.Thoughtword.

I'd like to meet:



I like an awful lot of music - though I don't like to be a person who says 'I like everything, except country' or 'I like everything, except metal'. I like different music for different moods and moments, different monuments. I like jazz a lot. I could go for hanging out in a low light jazz bar. I like classical a lot too for when I need to feel smart or relaxed - I often write to classical music, especially if I'm working on an unwieldy plot. I like a lot of hip hop of course, but not as often the mainstream stuff on the radio - though I admit that has its place too. I like a lot of folk music too because I like to play my guitar and sing (though I can't usually manage to sing when anyone can hear). I LOVE a cappella music. There's more I'm sure.


Okay, let me come clean. I didn't have a tv for the last three years, but my new roomy has one so I do in fact look at it from time to time, when I'm passing through, out of the corner of my eye, by accident. So yeah, Friends still holds a special place in my heart, I love Smallville like it's my job, Firefly rocks, Iron Chef is great fun, and I'm sort of obsessed with Miami Ink...but really I don't watch tv.




Miyamoto Musashi, Murakami Haruki, Mas Oyama

My Blog

Mo Hapa

Here is another 'abstract' that I wrote, trying to develop my musings for this larger project I'm supposed to be working on for my class, Reading and Writing The Other. Any feedback would be greatly ...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:22:00 PST

The Truth About The Fact

So, it's been an interesting twleve hours. Or, I could say it's been an interesting three months. I'm feeling very very lost right now. But I digress. The news I want to share is about this litera...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 08:47:00 PST


Here is a little bit of something I wrote up the other day for a class I'm taking called 'Reading and Writing The Other'. Just the beginnings of trying to put some thoughts together. If anybody's go...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:31:00 PST

A Fool Such As I

Some of you lovelies may have seen this one before.  It's just a little sketch I did some time ago that stuck with me.  I was reminded of it by a book I read yesterday and so decided to post...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:44:00 PST

Am I religious?

God is not religion.  Religion is a social construct.  It can be good or bad and it can do and be many things, but it is not God.  God is everything.  God is everything there is.&n...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST

Sam, 12 yrs. old

I was born a month and seventeen days early. Mom likes to tell me she did it on purpose because she wanted me to help with the laundry. My dad died just a week before I was born. Mom says he tried ...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:44:00 PST

Heart of Darkness

A man wears a leopard skin.  Its arms reach down his arms, its claws dig into his knuckles.  His face peers out through the fangs of the beast.  Its saliva drips down his face like swea...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:03:00 PST

CD Baby

So I ordered a cd from cdbaby.com - it was SKIM's album For Every Tear. The email receipt I got after placing my order was so cool I decided I had to post it here so that I could share it with everyb...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:39:00 PST

Unconditional Love

Posted by danieltakeshi on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 11:51:00 PST


    My parents met at Camp Pendola in the summer of 1964, nineteen years after the end of World War II. My mom was twenty-three, my dad seventeen. In order to remember the year, my da...
Posted by danieltakeshi on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:41:00 PST