itai leven aka TuK was born in israel at the year 1981. from a young age he discovered music starting with the violin at age 8 and later playing guitar and bass guitar, at that time he was into classic rock and heavy metal, at the age of 16 he discovered psytrance and immediatly got "hooked" to the sound and emotion. it was not long before he started making his own music starting with the impulse tracker. after a 3 years break due to the army he got back to producing slowley building his studio. now he's using cubase, reason and hardware synth infuenced by any kind of melodic psychedelic music from psychedelic rock to psytrance. his music is comprised of complex melodic textures together with an uplifting twisted sound, great for the morning sunrise. after success in several production competitions and playing in numeras parties all over israel TuK's L.P. "beyond reality" is now finally released taking him and his listeners to the next step in psytrance evolution.