My name is Claire but you can call me Pod and I really won't mind
I love French , France and pretty jewellery
I am easily amused
I have the loveliest friends in the world, including the ones from uni , the ones from home and a couple that are currently residing on the other side of the world and who exist only on my computer (...for now)
Some of my favourite things.... Krispy Kreme donuts ...beads... big pretty earrings ... music ... live gigs ...festivals... camping ...napping... the summer ... vodka (with coconut and pineapple juice) ...sipping cocktails... salad ...sitting by Waterfront in Nottingham when the sun's shining... BBQ's ....oreos... cajun potato wedges ...Jelly Bellys (except the popcorn flavour)....millions (those little tiny sweets that make your jaw ache)... a certain special boy
I want to be a BUSINESS woman one day...failing that I will make Krispy Kreme donuts and die fat but happy
I giggle A LOT, for a lot longer than everyone else, at things that aren't really funny
Make (m e m o r i e s )
Create a Free Slideshow 'And I'd give up forever to ( touch ) you...cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I've ever been and I don't wanna go home right now ...' ( that song means a lot to me )