Hmmm? Well, Dan and I started playing with each other ... *TeeHee* ... back in uni (sometime in 2002) in a band called Mowgli. That all collapsed when people started graduating and leaving town - shame on them - and we took a bit of a break from playing.
Then, after Dan spent some time wandering the south of England, he finally wended his way back to sunny Bristol on the pretext that we make a go of playing some music and maybe some money.... (Hmmmm?)
Dan doesn't stop writing songs so when he did come back he had a list of songs that he had been playing for ages and I had to quickly learn in a couple of weeks - gargh! I've got the hang of most of them now - I just can't remember what any of them are called.
Just recently we have been graced with the presence of a lovely young lady, China, who is singing backing vocals for us - Yay!
I'm bored now and I'm sure you are too, but I'll write some more later on.