I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
M'kay I am the school counselor for South Park Elementry Mr. Mackey, well-known for my really large head and inserting "M'kay" into sentences. I occasionally taught classes at the school, and taught sex education with Ms. Choksondik m'kay. During this time I had a sexual relationship with Ms. Choksondik until her death m'kay. After her death, I took over the fourth grade class until Mr. Garrison returned M'kay. During a drug-education class, I passed some marijuana around the classroom, and it goes missing M'kay. (Apparently by one of the children, though it is later revealed that the actual thief was Mr. Garrison M'kay.) For this, I was fired by the school M'kay, and evicted by the landlord m'kay, and, feeling depressed, I ended up taking drugs myself M'kay. It is also revealed that my large head is caused by the tightness of my tie around my neck M'kay, although my parents have the same trait m'kay. My catchphrase are "M'kay?"
so i say drugs are bad M'kay.[img]http://img8.pimp-my-profile.com/i109/9/7/23/bn_00
r generated at Pimp-My-Profile.com[/url]