The thing I really love about my profile is that because I have yet to get the time to elaborate on it, its vast simplicity deters people from mindlessly sending me their porno sites. And life is just a slice more amusing.
But if you are curious about what I am and what I do, lets see. I just chill for the most part. I work hard and I play hard, though I have never been able to quite figure out what that exactly means. Perhaps it means I just hit the tennis ball a lot harder than needed, which would explain my continuing failure and becoming the best tennis player in the world. Ah, the simple things in life.
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Interesting, I just found out I could blog. I also recently found out that silverware is in, you can cook food and not eat it raw, and there is this amazing new invention called fire! Astounding... Posted by on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 21:20:00 GMT