I like ANIME and witch comics! Watching T.V etc....^^**
lesbians, gays, double blades, straight. DONT CARE!!! juz be mah fwend and ad me [email protected]! ^^** but especially ANIME lovers!!! (*^_^*)
RnB and alternative!! but i hate hard rock kinda music...
tWo caN plAy tHat gaMe, The LaSt sAmUrai, LOTR, HaRry PoTter,TeXas ChAiNsaw mAssAcre, ThE pAssIoN, HeAd oVeR HeaLS, tHE nEw GuY, ThE iN-CroWd, S1M0NE and lots MORE!!!
do i have to...? ok lots like C.S.I!!! etc...c",)
im mostly intrested in japanese novels, but i also like harry potter! O_o
My personal hero is Tomoe Gozen!!! she's amazing and braver than any men... :D