In Keds and tube socks! profile picture

In Keds and tube socks!

The wisest man of all says nothing. Then people think he's a genius and can never prove that he isn'

About Me

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"Ok, Black Bart, now you get yours." -- Ralphie


I Freaking love guns. Gun Range? I'm there!

well anyway, in general...Being nice to people... if they're not assholes. Martinis and school. Rainy days, lightning, thunder, watching people watch other people. I'm very observant, but you won't notice me noticing you, trust me. I LOVE to read, write, watch movies, go to the zoo, museums. My favorite store is a bookstore... it feels like home, i am comfortable... and i can spend hours in one. I love libraries. I absolutely enjoy history. Movies and television, but "the good stuff"...Being around my closest friends is the best feeling. Alone time is precious! I can and will read YOU like a book. hmmm what elseblack hair, magazines, shiner, vodka, mix drinks, comfy couches, sleeping, the color gray, silver and GREEN, guns. Oh yeah, and I like gummy bears. freshly sharpened pencils, journals. I'm obsessed with English people. I wish i was English. I do a lot of wishful thinking... and that's okay. I want a friend who has two front buck teeth, and I love, love, people with lisps. Oh yeah, and drums. I don't play them tho.VODKA TONIC

I'd like to meet:

my self. acute euphoria.feed my baby...
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My little sea otter

My new kicks- kick start my rockin' rollin' heart- painting the All-Stars Red.

My pimp ass chain!! -thanks Sway!!

she said


THE USED, also... Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, UGK, Al Green, Tom Petty, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, Pink Floyd, Queen, all kinds of 80's music, THE CARS, Blondie, Led Zeppelin, Classical music- Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach... lynyrd skynyrd, more than the mind can think of right now... TEXAS made boys with skills that rap about the great state of TX! Last but not least, 3rd Harvest... check 'em out ...And Many MAny More.!!!!!!------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------


Clue, A Christmas Story, Alice in Wonderland, Howard the Duck, Troop Beverly Hills, 80's movies, Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Valley Girl, Risky Business, Pretty Woman, The Goonies, Animal House, Silver Bullet, Willow, Rosemary's Baby, Fatal attraction, Drop Dead Fred, Urban Cowboy, Good Will Hunting, Closer, The Age of Innocence, Bridget Jones's Diary, Nanny McPhee, Shaun of the Dead, Baby Boy, Donnie Darko, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Royal Tenenbaums, Nacho Libre, Beerfest, Brick, Talladega Nights-'Why do you want to listen to the TV and the stereo at the same time?' ..'Because I like to party.' hahahahaha!! ... there's just too many... All the Harry Potter movies. +++MANY, MANY MORE++ i could go on forever ... (MOVIES ARE MY THING)." ""the mega bitch squashed my head, the bitch!"
BEERFEST is by far, the awesomest of all awesome movies.JUST FRIENDS is love, love is the inner heart, the outer heart, all that's in between, and consumes the mind. you feel it in your chest and gut. hahaha, i don't know what i'm talking about? do i sound like i do? hahaha... oh, but i do. (Love is a serious mental disease -Plato)
SHAUN OF THE DEAD... is so me.


Fosters home for imaginary friends, i watch Ugly Betty from time to time, The Simpsons, Da Ali G Show, sex and the city, forensic files, mr bean, family guy, a current affair, serial killers, cold case files, american justice, murder mysteries, and Conan O'Brien, I love him!!... OH YEAH, and what ever happened to Tom Green???


Literature is my all-time favorite. I'm about to begin reading Pride and Prejudice- by Jane Austen... i can't wait... haven't seen the movie and i don't quite care to. I got interested while i was watching 'You've Got Mail' with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks- they're both book store owners in the movie- she is reading the book and he asks her a contentious question of one of the characters... so that made me want to read it for myself, furthurmore, it's literature. here is a list of my favorites: Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/ Through the Looking Glass, Where the red fern grows, The Witch of Cologne- this one's my absolute favorite so far- don't let the title intimidate you- she's not at all a witch.


Atticus Finch " "..

My Blog

If a dog was a teacher

A DOG'S LIFE ....If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstas...
Posted by Genuine and Unprepared on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 05:22:00 PST