These are my quick dirty and current Interests.
Your Mom.
Most commonly played right now: Kanye West, Angels and Airwaves, Tegan and Sara, Magnetic Fields and Guns n' Roses.
What I have watched recently (In some cases for the first time)and loved but not to be mistaken for my Faviorites of all time: Apocalypto, 3:10 to Yuma, Juno, No country for old men, The man with no name trilogy and Casblanca(One I have been watching alot as of late).
Currently this is dry since I no longer have cable but I am watching alot of Family Guy and South Park (The consistent standards) and Nip/Tuck on DVD.
I am reading currntly: Clown Girl by Monica Drake and The rose and the Beast (I can't recall the authors name and I don't want to go get the book).