Tom profile picture



About Me

TAKE CLASSES WITH ME!.. or better yet, just take classes the same days as me so we can hang out during my break. pleeeeeeeeeeeeease.

PS. i might drop public speaking.

I go to SCCC in Riverhead, it's super sweet. Not really though. I enjoy arguing and debating, but I think it makes me come off as sort of an asshole sometimes, but really I don't take myself as seriously as it seems. I suppose I'm sort of quiet sometimes, not because I have nothing to say, but because I have nothing to say that most people care about, which is to say the things I find interesting are not the things most people I encounter find interesting. On the postive side this leaves room for endless sarcasm and terribly dry humor, which spews from my mouth at different rates depending on who I'm with. I'm often the only one laughing though, but these days thats good enough for me.

My Interests

My Friends, reading, writing, playing the piano poorly, fishing, debating, conversing, casual drinking, actualizing my human potential... etc.

I'd like to meet:

People who I can relate to. People who like to talk about more than what they saw on TV last night, or how drunk they were the other day, or how so-and-so is such a bitch... at least occasionally. People with a good sense of humor.


Tilly + the Wall
Two Gallants
Ludwig Van Beethoven
The Good Life
Various Artists


What the Bleep Do We Know!? was the most interesting movie I've seen lately. Still. And A Scanner, Darkly was also a great movie I saw recently.


The Office
Family Guy
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Malcom in the Middle
The Boondocks
Mission Hill
South Park
King of the Hill
The History Channel
Chappelle's Show
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Kurt Vonnegut is a new found favorite.
Steven King is a favorite from my past.
I'm just getting back into reading, honestly. I'll put a list of books I've read/am going to read in my profile at some point.


good people

My Blog

anger, frustration, realization, oh my.

It has a happy ending.I can't sleep. luckily this doesn't happen very often anymore, because this totally blows. although i do largely consider sleep to be a bane of human life, wasting precious hours...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 02:08:00 PST

the recent chapters of my life

so... here i am, in blog space. for those of you who don't know i recently broke my leg and messed up my ankle, so i'm in a cast for six weeks (one weeks and four days down), it's pretty lame. but i'd...
Posted by Tom on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:27:00 PST


"Human existence takes place in the relational space of conversation. This means that our way of living - that is to say, our human condition - takes place in our form of relating to each other and th...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:28:00 PST


Quotation from Waking Life: There are two kinds of sufferers in this world: those who suffer from a lack of life, and those who suffer from an overabundance of life. I've always found myself in the s...
Posted by Tom on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:31:00 PST