I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom. And by busy I mean i had diarrhea. I love Burger King. I hope they will cater my wedding. I also hope they will be the bride.
Testimonial 1: Why I LOVE Tom..In
Ground Hog Day, Bill Murray is in some
shitty town and is forced to live the same
day over and over again.Tom day dreams
about this oppurtunity. It didnt matter that
he had no drivers liscense, broke ass
clothes and was a virgin. You see Tom
would love to live March 17, 1998 over and
over again because of the access to High
School girls. Tom would make out with
every single girl at berkeley high, he would
start by making out with whole freshman
class, then the sophmores, then the
freshman again, then the juniors, then the
freshman again. This would take 1000's of
days. I also love Tom because he went
from being completely engrossed in Roots
Reggae and wearing ethopian shoelaces to
being engrossed in butt rock and wearing
slayer belt buckles. From doing shrooms
in tilden and thinking about implications of
repatriation to drinking coors at the Hut and
playing air guitar, that kids is a lesson in
true evolution!
Testimonial 2:Why I HATE Tom...I hate
Tom for having a big ass. Mines proabaly
bigger but Im a halfbreed so people expect
it. Tom takes all my glory. Its like seeing a
fat retard with hand me downs, youre
like "of course!" But when you see a buff
ass retard straight fitted, youre like "oh
shit!" I also hate Tom for going to a
horrible college, he really shoud have gone
to Arizona State. He would have been the
most legendary frat boy ever, they would
have named a foosball tournament after
him and named a pledge after him.
Brother Parsley would have been the guy
at Lake Havisou going down on chicks for
cigerettes. He would have worn the same
visor and cargo shorts all 8 years and
would have gotten STD's from drinking
empties at the live out. Whiskey dick and
sun burn would be taken to a new level.
Tom, you really should go back to school
now, you look and act like a high school
sophmore who is really excited about riding
in the trunk to a party in montclair
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I think we all know the answer to that...and his name is Rodney Dangerfield. See you in heaven Rod, we'll make a day of it.