Amber profile picture


Refined as Amber ale

About Me

Year of medical school number 2 underway... Trips coming up soon are to Israel, Austria and Hungary, going to see DMB in Belfast in February, and maybe some other fun weekends as well. Plans to go to Vietnam this summer- my school is sending me over there to volunteer. Come visit me!

My Interests

currently my interests are sun (since i dont get any) and coffee (since i get way too much). i am also mildly obsessed with Justin, the adorable Korean barista at my favorite cafe. kati and i go get lattes from him one, two, sometimes three times a day because he is so cute. every time we walk in the door he smiles super big and says, "two skinny chais extra hot? ok, you got it!"

I'd like to meet:

people who don't add extra vowels to words, and people who don't use skype to hit on poor unsuspecting girls in other countries who just use it to talk to their families. oh, and anyone who can have an intelligent conversation on the biosynthesis and/or beta-oxidation of triglycerides. i can draw pictures.


i love missy higgins right now- that is the top of the list. other classics are don williams, aretha franklin, garth brooks, otis redding, michelle branch, damien rice, amos lee, dave... and anything live.


Good Will Hunting, Seven Years in Tibet, The Cutting Edge, Harry Potters


Sex and the City, Friends, Greys, House... do these count? I dont really watch tv, but I like the dvds. I live in Ireland, remember- though I gotta admit the X-factor isnt that bad.


Atlas Shrugged, Gone With the Wind, The Godfather, Eleven Minutes, Mary Queen of Scots, The Things They Carried, Kaffir Boy, The Kite Runner


Stephanie. Just Stephanie. She is the coolest person I know.