idah profile picture


from scraps of sorts

About Me

Since the chances of having Fid Guiama as my real name runs from slim to none, I'll gladly go with Idah.No one really gets my name right for the first time. So I thank this barista from a certain coffee shop for spelling it correctly on our introductory encounter and for remembering it ever since.My passion meter for music strikes a magnitude slightly lower than the danger zone. My ipod is an indespensable acquaintance. Aside from a few friends, helpless family members and my voice teacher from about 10 years ago, no one really heard me sing. But I will sing for you if you just ask nicely. haha.A wanderlust. As much as our home is no less than a perfect portrait of love and amusement, driving away from it-still remains a favorable option. The longer the drive, the better.I want to become a travel writer someday. Yes. Someday.Now I let my strings play me and not the other way around.

My Interests

umakyat sa talampas. roti canai. ukay ukay. mythbusters. hongkong milk tea. Emily Dickinson. blog sites. blog whores. green anything. marie biscuits. the simpsons. phonetic alphabet. music. dibidi dibidi. Fid. saguijo. keeping manila happy. mall. limbos. doo doo. yakult. tamagotchi. philippine daily inquirer jingle and that stupid actor lip synching along with it on movie commercial breaks. la la la life.

I'd like to meet:

Nemo from Little Nemo


OPM... NYKO MACA* Urbandub* Chillitees* Sleepwalk Circus* Taken by Cars* Julianne* The Dorques* Sheila and The Insects* Neon8 *Up Dharma Down* Sound* Daydream Cycle* Paramita* Bagetsafonik* Cynthia Alexander* Brain Salad* FrancisM* Giniling Festival* Eraserheads* Sandwich* Pedicab* Wolfmann* Narda* Pupil* Teeth* ... FOREIGN ACTs like... Whitest Boy alive* Thom Yorke* Pearl Jam* Tori Amos* Yeah Yeah Yeahs* Sting* Magic Numbers* Morcheeba* Spooks* Massive Attack* Rachel Yamagata* Smashing Pumpkins* Jeff Buckley* Alanis Morisette* Ok go* Guillemots* Imogen Heap* Snow Patrol* Bloc party* Skunk Anansie* Sneaker Pimps ...


sERENDIPITY! iTLAIAN joB! yOUve GOT mail! SUm oF All Fears!Bowling for Columbine! BUNSO!Prime! Forrest GUmp! Land Before Time! Wicker Park! Little Nemo***Blood Diamond - So if anyone proposes marriage ruin the moment and ask first if the diamond ring is conflict-free, or not. ;)haha


The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

My Blog

i comment

For every story shared and hidden from my conspicuous ears, I consider facing my life's own mishaps and realize how I end up complicating things while meaning to end all things complicated. I do not u...
Posted by idah on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:25:00 PST

new old new old new

I have someone in mind and he was the cake that I had mistaken as a cheap sayote pie at some famous fastfood store some time ago. I will be seeing him tomorrow night and I suddenly feel the renaissanc...
Posted by idah on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:08:00 PST


Masaya. Hindi luma kung 'di classic. So surreal when even after a million years and a few uneasy circumstances, you and I still manage to laugh every thing off. ...
Posted by idah on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:11:00 PST


You create the best, coming from the worst.Good for us.
Posted by idah on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 05:55:00 PST


change takes shape when time lets changechange takes timeand time shapes changetime changesbut changes are untimedso change. while you are still in shapeyou still have time....
Posted by idah on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 04:47:00 PST


don't mind. You have always been nothing more than a tease.
Posted by idah on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:12:00 PST

moving in

The risk now is pointed towards a vast array of madness seen from a point blank view. Such is expensive. But it is near and clear enough to burn some skin. Get the first flight out and suffer from reg...
Posted by idah on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 07:06:00 PST

the girl with a chinese sounding name

She is my current pet peeve. Gawd she talks too much, and tactlessly. Her mouth speaks of nothing but blah. She ought to have some substance by now I  mean considering her age and probably some e...
Posted by idah on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 05:58:00 PST


The motions, the places are different but the idea is pretty much the same. It is like a blast off to four years ago when what could have beens were in its bountiful days. I find my release every time...
Posted by idah on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 05:48:00 PST

unanswerable by yes or no

Took out some fine garbage last night. It was hanging around for quite some time now but even so the stench was not at all violent. It is nice to clear up messy relationships. He and I talked things ...
Posted by idah on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 05:46:00 PST