umakyat sa talampas. roti canai. ukay ukay. mythbusters. hongkong milk tea. Emily Dickinson. blog sites. blog whores. green anything. marie biscuits. the simpsons. phonetic alphabet. music. dibidi dibidi. Fid. saguijo. keeping manila happy. mall. limbos. doo doo. yakult. tamagotchi. philippine daily inquirer jingle and that stupid actor lip synching along with it on movie commercial breaks. la la la life.
Nemo from Little Nemo
OPM... NYKO MACA* Urbandub* Chillitees* Sleepwalk Circus* Taken by Cars* Julianne* The Dorques* Sheila and The Insects* Neon8 *Up Dharma Down* Sound* Daydream Cycle* Paramita* Bagetsafonik* Cynthia Alexander* Brain Salad* FrancisM* Giniling Festival* Eraserheads* Sandwich* Pedicab* Wolfmann* Narda* Pupil* Teeth* ... FOREIGN ACTs like... Whitest Boy alive* Thom Yorke* Pearl Jam* Tori Amos* Yeah Yeah Yeahs* Sting* Magic Numbers* Morcheeba* Spooks* Massive Attack* Rachel Yamagata* Smashing Pumpkins* Jeff Buckley* Alanis Morisette* Ok go* Guillemots* Imogen Heap* Snow Patrol* Bloc party* Skunk Anansie* Sneaker Pimps ...
sERENDIPITY! iTLAIAN joB! yOUve GOT mail! SUm oF All Fears!Bowling for Columbine! BUNSO!Prime! Forrest GUmp! Land Before Time! Wicker Park! Little Nemo***Blood Diamond - So if anyone proposes marriage ruin the moment and ask first if the diamond ring is conflict-free, or not. ;)haha
The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart